Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Yamaha Vixion Modification 2009
Spesifikasi mendetail :
Custom Body : fiber
Custom Duck Tail :
Custom Rear Body :
Body Paint :
Custom Paint Interior :
Custom Cutting Sticker & Stripping Varing :
Seat :
Rear Hugger :
Bore Up :
Porting Polished :
Muffler :
Air Filter :
Coil :
Plugs :
Cable Plugs :
Camshaft :
Carburator :
Filter Carburator :
Spuyer :
Piston :
Roller :
Cover CVT :
Cover Belt :
Front Wheel :
Rear Wheel :
Front Tromol :
Rear Tromol :
Front Tyre :
Rear Tyre :
Front ShockBreaker :
Rear Shockbreaker :
Rear Per :
Brake Master :
Disc Plate :
Front SpackBoard :
Rear SpackBoard :
Brake Handle :
Front Lamp :
Rear Lamp :
Lamp :
Hand Grip :
Fuel Indicator :
Rear Bracket :
Deck :
Steer :
Mirror :
Front Carrier :
Rear Carrier :
Spidometer :
Rubber Set :
Horn :
Mudflap :
Flyscreen :
Mudguard Chest (lapis emas 18 karat) :
Tachometer :
Front Sein :
Rear Sein :
Side Sein :
Yamaha Scorpio Z [Modifikasi Street Tracker Urang Bogor]
Spesifikasi mendetail :
Custom Body : -
Custom Duck Tail : -
Custom Rear Body : -
Body Paint : white
Custom Paint Interior : -
Custom Cutting Sticker & Stripping Varing : -
Seat : custom
Rear Hugger : -
Bore Up : oversize 75
Porting Polished : yes
CVT : -
Muffler : supertrapp
Air Filter : K & N
Coil :
Plugs : NGK
Cable Plugs : standar
Camshaft : -
Carburator : -
Filter Carburator : -
Spuyer : -
Piston : Izumi
Roller : -
Cover CVT : -
Cover Belt : -
Front Wheel : Barros 2,15 -18
Rear Wheel : Barros 3,5-17
Front Tromol : -
Rear Tromol : -
Front Tyre : Swallow X-Worm 120/80-18
Rear Tyre : Bridgestone Battlax 140/70-17
Front ShockBreaker : standar
Rear Shockbreaker : standar
Rear Per : -
Brake Master : standar
Disc Plate : standar
Front SpackBoard : custom
Rear SpackBoard : custom
Brake Handle : -
Front Lamp : Harley-Davidson Aftermarket
Rear Lamp : Kitaco
Lamp : -
Hand Grip : standar
Fuel Indicator : -
Rear Bracket : -
Deck : -
Steer :
Mirror : TW 225
Front Carrier : -
Rear Carrier : -
Spidometer : -
Rubber Set : -
Horn : standar
Mudflap : -
Flyscreen : -
Mudguard Chest (lapis emas 18 karat) : -
Tachometer : -
Front Sein : Kawasaki Ninja RR
Rear Sein : Kawasaki Ninja RR
Side Sein : Kawasaki Ninja RR
Yamaha RX-king 2000 ( White King )
White king
Pemilik : indra kurniawan
Merk : Yamaha
Model : RX-king 2000
Dibuat : 2010-01-20
Diupdate : 2010-01-23
Spesifikasi mendetail :
Custom Body :
Custom Duck Tail :
Custom Rear Body :
Body Paint : bodi putih mutiara & cyralic
Custom Paint Interior : Sasis mere, swing arm, mesin & sok depan teflon
Custom Cutting Sticker & Stripping Varing : motif distro kombinasi silver & glitter
Seat : cream
Rear Hugger :
Bore Up : 175
Porting Polished :
Muffler : standar custom
Air Filter : koso
Coil :
Plugs :
Cable Plugs :
Camshaft :
Carburator :
Filter Carburator :
Spuyer :
Piston :
Roller :
Cover CVT :
Cover Belt :
Front Wheel : ride-it 215-17
Rear Wheel : ride-it 215-17 & 3.50-17
Front Tromol : DIB untuk suzuki
Rear Tromol : Vega R
Front Tyre : aspira 80/80-17
Rear Tyre : aspira 80/80-17 & vee rubber 130/70-17
Front ShockBreaker :
Rear Shockbreaker :
Rear Per :
Brake Master : variasi
Disc Plate : variasi f1zr
Front SpackBoard :
Rear SpackBoard :
Brake Handle : variasi crom
Front Lamp : vasriasi
Rear Lamp : variasi motor matic thailand
Lamp :
Hand Grip :
Fuel Indicator :
Rear Bracket :
Deck :
Steer : custom
Mirror : variasi
Front Carrier :
Rear Carrier :
Spidometer :
Rubber Set :
Horn :
Mudflap :
Flyscreen :
Mudguard Chest (lapis emas 18 karat) :
Tachometer :
Front Sein :
Rear Sein :
Side Sein :
Bajaj Pulsar 200 CC
Spesifikasi mendetail :
Custom Body :
Custom Duck Tail :
Custom Rear Body :
Body Paint :
Custom Paint Interior :
Custom Cutting Sticker & Stripping Varing :
Seat :
Rear Hugger
Bore Up :
Porting Polished :
Muffler :
Air Filter :
Coil :
Plugs :
Cable Plugs :
Camshaft :
Carburator :
Filter Carburator :
Spuyer :
Piston :
Roller :
Cover CVT :
Cover Belt :
Front Wheel :
Rear Wheel :
Front Tromol :
Rear Tromol :
Front Tyre : Battlax F45F 110/70
Rear Tyre : Battlax F45F 130/17
Front ShockBreaker : custom
Rear Shockbreaker :
Rear Per :
Brake Master :
Disc Plate :
Front SpackBoard :
Rear SpackBoard :
Brake Handle :
Front Lamp :
Rear Lamp :
Lamp :
Hand Grip :
Fuel Indicator :
Rear Bracket :
Deck :
Steer :
Mirror :
Front Carrier :
Rear Carrier :
Spidometer :
Rubber Set :
Horn :
Mudflap :
Flyscreen :
Mudguard Chest (lapis emas 18 karat) :
Tachometer :
Front Sein :
Rear Sein :
Side Sein :
Model : Bajaj Pulsar 200 CC
Dibuat : 2010-03-31
Diupdate : 2010-03-31
Motor Klasik Yang Banyak Dilirik
Juru Kamera : Warsam Aji/Nyoman Ifrozin
Editor : Bagus Andriansari
Narator : Arni Gusmiarni
indosiar.com - Buat kaum pria motor itu tidak sekedar hanya kendaraan, tapi juga buat bergaya. Tidak percaya nih.. Nah lihat yuk tongkrongan para pecinta motor klasik yang memang layak diliput ini.
Sebagaimana barang produksi masa lalu, motor antik pun punya penggemar tersendiri. Itu bisa dilihat misalnya dalam sejumlah pameran mobil klasik di Jakarta beberapa waktu lalu, yang turut menghadirkan sejumlah motor klasik.
Di Indonesia, motor antik yang beredar hingga saat ini, ada yang diproduksi mulai tahun 1930 an hingga era retro tahun 1980-an. Nah.. umumnya para pecinta motor antik berkumpul membentuk club ! Salah satu komunitas yang cukup besar adalah Brotherwood, yang berpusat di Bandung, Jawa Barat.
Komunitas Brotherwood mengkhususkan diri pada sepeda motor buatan Amerika dan Eropa, produksi sebelum tahun 1960 an. Selain langka alias sudah tidak diproduksi lagi, tiap motor klasik pastinya punya sejarah masing - masing. Seperti motor BSA ini misalnya, yang masuk ke Indonesia tahun 1945-an, saat sekutu memulai operasi militernya disini.
BSA singkatan dari The Birmingham Small Arms itu, diproduksi pabrik yang khusus membuat keperluan aneka peralatan kecil tentara. Dinegara asalnya Inggris, pabrik kendaraan roda dua dengan sistem besar ini sudah terbakar tahun 1972 dan tidak dibikin lagi.
Karena banyak yang sudah tidak diproduksi lagi, tidak gampang untuk mendapatkan suku cadang motor-motor yang sudah tergolong klasik itu. Nah... disinilah untungnya gabung dengan club atau komunitas motor ! Antara mereka bisa saling tukar informasi dan tips tentang perawatan dan suku cadang.
Dari hobby terciptalah jalinan persaudaraan antar sesama pemilik sepeda motor antik. Biasanya mereka pun lalu berkendara bersama. Seperti yang diakui Wawan, yang mempunyai motor BSA tahun 1948 dan Chris Harson pemilik Harley Davidson tahun 1957, ada kebanggaan tersendiri naik motor tua tersebut.
Selain Brotherwood yang angkutannya spesialis pemilik motor-motor klasik buatan Eropa dan Amerika, di Jakarta juga ada komunitas bernama Classic Motor Cycle yang angkutannya adalah pemilik motor tua buatan Jepang.
Kalau menurut para anggotanya, merawat motor Jepang dianggap lebih mudah ketimbang motor buatan Eropa. Karena merek - merek motor Jepang masih berkibar hingga sekarang. Disamping usia motor lebih mudah sebab umumnya yang beredar di Indonesia adalah produksi setelah tahun 1960 an. Tapi sebenarnya tidak ada klasifikasi khusus soal kecintaan pada motor - motor klasik.
Pemilik motor antik buatan Jepang biasanya juga demen sama motor antik buatan Eropa. Begitu juga sebaliknya. Karena ya itu tadi, ada kebanggaan tersendiri saat menunggang diatasnya. Keuntungan lain bergabung dalam sebuah komunitas macam ini adalah soal dokumen kepemilikan kendaraan.
Paling tidak ada surat jalan kolektif dari kepolisian. Maklum namanya juga motor tua, kebanyakan sudah tidak ada dokumennya lagi. Entah itu karena tercecer saat Perang Dunia ke II dulu, ataupun akibat bencana alam. Namun ada yang jadi keresahan para penggemarnya terkait keberadaan motor tua sebagai salah satu asset sejarah, yang luput dari perhatian pemerintah.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Miniature Harley Davidson
Nomer HP: 62 08562865099
Nomer Telpon: 62 274 510346
Nomer Faks: 62 274 545951
Alamat: Jl. Gajahmada 26
Yogyakarta. E-mail : adityascraft@yahoo.com 55112, Yogyakarta
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
HONDA S 90 Z (ASTRA 1970)
Friday, March 19, 2010
1971 T250 Suzuki Hustler
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Honda GL Pro Diubah Jadi Trail
Wardoyo dari G2WC mengaku diberi kebebasan merombak motor jadi supermoto dan pilihan yang pas SMV 750. Meski konsep yang diaplikasi tidak mirip sekali, ia berupaya mendekati kesamaan. Hal itu seperti tampak pada bagian rangka tengah yang dibentuk dari pipa seamless ukuran 1/2 inci yang dibuat menyilang.
"Sasis tengah mengapit tangki sekaligus bodi tengah yang dibuat dari pelat," ujar Wardoyo. Menurutnya, rangka pipa ini juga dibuat untuk menopang bodi belakang (terbuat dari pelat yang menyatu dengan sepatbor).
Untuk suspensi, bagian itu tentu mengikuti tren global dengan menggunakan sistem monoshock. Hanya, Wardoyo tidak mengikuti model SMV 750 yang ada di bagian kanan rangka. Di sini, ia menempatkannya persis di tengah biar nyaman lantaran dipakai harian.
Mengenai kaki-kaki, Wardoyo sedikit harus kerja keras lantaran pemilik masih ingin pakai shock bawaan standar untuk yang depan. Solusinya, ditambah adaptor besi agar tampilan tambah tinggi. Lalu, bagian tengahnya dikasih karet shock Suzuki TS agar lebih berisi.
Begitu lengan ayun, minimal lebih tebal dari aslinya. Caranya, yang asli diberi kondom yang menggunakan pelat. Pada bagian tengah diberi lekukan agar mirip dengan arm Aprilia. Hasilnya, meski tanpa komponen limbah, tampilannya boleh juga. (Belo)
Sumber : kompas
Modifikasi Honda CB 100 by : Darizt Custom Cycles di Yogyakarta
"Mesin motor ini kecil, menjadi lucu kalau dipaksakan besar," ujar sang desainer. Saat berolah karsa, Agus berimajinasi pada bentukan sepeda yang simpel.
Makanya, backbone berbentuk kurva dengan tangki menggantung ditujukan agar tampilan motor minimalis. Rake dibuat standar dengan springer buatan sendiri yang diambil dari per Binter Merzy sehingga lebih nyaman saat dikendarai.
Ke belakang, centerbone diisi jok tunggal yang dibungkus kulit. Agus meminta Reka Puji Asmara sebagai eksekutor untuk alas pantat itu. Supaya ginjal enggak kena lantaran hardtail murni, di bawah jok dipasangi per yang biasa dipakai abang becak.
Dari sini, olah imajinasi Agus layak dipuji. Idenya orisinal dan handmade yang berhubungan dengan kreativitas serta porporsi pas untuk motor berbasis mesin kecil.
Untuk velg dan teromol yang berukuran lingkar 21 inci, Agus berani mengaplikasikan dari motor trial Gas Gas. "Pijakan kakinya juga diambil dari motor itu," tambah Agus. Pertimbangannya tetap pada desain, simpel, dan unik.
Buat faktor keamanan, master rem Yamaha Mio, yang harusnya untuk depan, digeser ke belakang. Sementara itu, untuk rem depan, "Oh ya, pakai Mio juga," kata seniman motor yang memilih pipa 1 1/2 inci untuk centerbone dan 3/4 inci untuk belakang.
Dengan kreasi dan imajinasi yang orisinal ini, pantas karya Agus dinobatkan sebagai Best of The Best dalam seri pembuka Contezt U Mild U Bikers Festrack 2009 di Yogyakarta.
(sumber: kompas)
1962 Vespa Sidecar
1960 Lambretta
Genuine Honda Benly S110 Parts for Sale
Item price US$35.00
Item description : Be sure that you're looking at Genuine Honda Benly S110 Cam Shaft part # 14101 - 350 - 000.
Sell each pairs for US$5.00 or best offer.
Item description : These emblems are custom made by local decals shop.
Item price US$10.00
Item description : Still in very good shape and ready to bolt on bike.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
2010 Honda Fury
Category: | Motorcycles | Subcategory(s): | |
Year: | 2010 | Miles : | |
Make: | Honda | Model: | Fury |
Trim Package: | | VIN: | |
Transmission: | Manual, N/A | Cylinders: | N/A |
Exterior Color: | Silver | Interior Color: | |
Doors: | N/A | Asking Price: | $ 12,500.00 |
State: | NV | City: | Las Vegas |
Zip Code: | 89147 |
Vintage and Antique BMW Motorcycles : 1966 BMW R69S
Refinishing Aluminum Engine Cases: The hot tip is "PBW" (Powdered Brewery Wash), a fairly inert buffered product used to clean aluminum brewery utensils, kegs, etc.; available from many beer making stores | More info about polishing aluminum, chrome, metal and more on the wBW Motorcycle Products and Accessories page and the Motorcycle Technical Articles page
Vintage BMW Motorcycles: John's Beemer Garage has all sorts of info on /2's and vintage BMW's, including parts manuals, photos and more | An interesting and detailed article on turning a 1976 R90/6 into a cafe racer | De Knalpot in the Netherlands has tons of pre-WWII, vintage and antique BMW motorcycles and other parts and accessories | Lots and lots of really good technical info on /2's and vintage/antique BMWs on this site by "Duane" | Vintage BMW Owners group has lots of information on restoring and riding vintage BMW motorcycles | Technical information on "/2" vintage BMWs | 5 United is mostly an email list for information on 1970 to 1973 BMW motorcycles, including the R75/5, R60/5 and R50/5 | The Dutch BMW Mono Club has been around for many years and has information on single cylinder BMW motorcycles
Vintage BMW Motorcycle Mirrors: Albert exact replacement headlight-mount mirrors for BMW motorcycles up to the 1973 model year are available from Bench Mark Works
Vintage BMW Motorcycle Parts: In addition to the BMW Motorcycle Parts source listing (above), try Blue Moon Cycle for many different parts for vintage BMW motorcycles | "Vech" has many hard-to-find parts at the Bench Mark Works | Martin Kornhas in Germany has many parts for vintage BMW's; R25 - R27, R51/3 - R68, R50 - R69S and R50/5 - R100RT; site is in German but they're working on an English translation | The Boxer Schmeide site in Germany has performance parts (including lightweight pistons) for Airheads and a collection of photos of hopped-up Boxers | Brand new alternator rotors for 1970-1995 BMW Airheads; BMW toolkits; Ikon (formerly Koni) shocks and more at Eurotech Motorsports
BMW Motorcycle Repair and Maintenance
I owned and operated "Duane's Shop" in San Francisco from 1968-1971and then received a BMW franchise and moved to Marin county. That shop was called "BMW of Marin" and employed 4 full time mechanics. It was the largest service facility for BMW motorcycles in the USA. My experience almost came to a screeching halt in 1975 when I sold my shop. I continued as a BMW dealer, until 1980, way out in the boondocks, on a hobby basis only, with Fort Bidwell Shop.
This site is not intended to be a complete or "ultimate" book on BMW. I only write on subjects that I know about, remember something, are not addressed on other tech sites, or are addressed in error. If a subject isn't covered here, that may be because it is well done on another tech site, or because I know nothing about it. You may find it on my links page.
All of these pages are incomplete. Check the date at the bottom to see the last update. An update may be major, or minor, but I am updating pages at least weekly.
Other repair methods may exist that may be better suited for your application. Read everything that you can find and then decide how to proceed. New technology and re-produced parts may change what I once knew.
Easy ways Caring for Motor!

Check Oil Condition
Engine oil is a very important role to grease the engine components, such as the handlebar piston, piston, and piston rings, axles and noken crutches or handlebar as valve. If the presence of lubricating oil is blackish color or reduced flexibility lumasnya power, it should be replaced. Change oil regularly and use in accordance with manufacturer recommendations.
Check Condition Aki
Do not let water accu through maximum and minimum limits that could accelerate as a result of damage to cells accu. Add the battery in the morning.
Do not let the battery or batteries that have started to weaken, immediately replace it, it's not good if you are still forced to use it. If still forced both positive and negative poles will remove corrosion (white powder) that will spread to the main cables that connect the electrical current to the channel lights, dynamo, or other parts.
If indeed you have this motor, the electric current is delivered battery or batteries are not perfect will cause damage to the components of dynamos, switch contacts and light machine. One thing to note if the batteries are weak or unable in the starter and distarter, do not force pushing the motorcycle to turn it on because it will only damage gear.
Check the chain and Gir
Do not let the chain is too loose or too tight. Too loose can make a chain off of girnya, while too fast can result in broken chain. Check also the condition of gear, if it is a sharp change soon because otherwise the chain can suddenly end. Danger not, reply again suddenly sped off the chain?
Check cable and Busi Koil
Note the presence of the cable that connects the coil electric current to the spark plugs. Quick change cable apparently is old enough and a lot of visible cracks and hardening of the cable. Do not forget to note the presence of spark plug for spark plugs is vital for smooth running of a vehicle engine.
Note Hose Stations
Gas hose to the carburetor merupakanm also noteworthy components. Do not let the fuel hose condition occurs hardens or cracks, because the inside of the hose can be no inelastic and lead dust from the dirt washed into the carburetor hose. Will eventually happen blockage of gas supply from the tank to the carburetor so that disrupt combustion systems.
Heat Engines longest 2 Minutes
Heat the engine before the motor running, do not have to stay long enough for 1-2 minutes to the circulation of lubricating oil in the engine parts are moving. Do not be too long to heat because it will make tailpipe yellowed otherwise you would not want to waste gasoline khan?.
Check tire pressure
Do not be too hard and also not less because it can result in damaged motorcycle tires developed.
Always Use Original Spare part
Better a little expensive, but satisfied and durable than the use that is not original, but even cheaper but less durability.
Not so difficult is not, provided you are diligent in properly caring for a motor bike must have your favorite show senatiasa prime. (honda / rit)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
2006 Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic And 2001 Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail - Father & Son Customs
A 2006 Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic and 2001 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail that father and son custom-built. - Hot Bike Magazine.
2003 Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail - Cruise A Low Rider
Ride Wright Wheels in Anaheim, California takes styling cues from the lowrider days with this 2003 Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail. The bike features a Twin Cam 88B engine. - Hot Bike Magazine Online.
2003 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy - Not So Mellow Yellow
2003 harley-davidson fat boy, 2003 harley davidson fat boy, 2003 harley fat boy, 2003 harley-davidson fatboy, 2003 harley davidson fatboy, 2003 harley fatboy, mikuni carb, mikuni carburetor, 100th anniversary fat boy, hd fatboy, hd fat boy, vance and hines short shots, screamin' eagle, screaming eagle, todd thompson, legend air ride, covington cycles,,2003 harley-davidson fat boy, 2003 harley davidson fat boy, 2003 harley fat boy, 2003 harley-davidson fatboy, 2003 harley davidson fatboy, 2003 harley fatboy.
Monday, March 8, 2010
1976 Lambretta GP 200 - Classic Vespa Scooter
1978 Lambretta GP 200
We are quality restoration shop making quality Lambretta and Vespa Scooter restorations. We deal in Classic Italian & Indian Scooters.
1967 Vespa 150
1964 Lambretta - SCOOTERS FOR SALE
Hub : 081 217 04147
Rungkut Menanggal Harapan Blok M 16 Surabaya atau
Jl. Kol. Sugiono 38 Panjunan . Waru Sidoarjo
1966 Vespa Sprint - For Sale
Friday, March 5, 2010
Classic Vespa scooter from 1972


The Vespa with the largest displacement ever produced since 1946
The Vespa GTS 300 Super brings the exclusive elegance of Vespa to the over 250 class. The classic, unique Vespa style is combined with a distinctly sporty and modern personality, giving the clean Vespa lines a decidedly rugged look. With its sporty design, the Vespa GTS 300 Super embodies the style, convenience, safety and sturdiness of the Vespa brand.
With an ultra-modern, powerful 4-valve liquid-cooled engine, electronic injection and Euro3 approval, what sets the Vespa GTS 300 Super apart is the incredible flexibility and exuberance of the engine, which means it can really take off at the lights.
The Vespa GTS 300 Super is here, continuing a line of sporty elegance which boasts legendary models like the 1955 Vespa GS, the 1964 180 SS, the '65 90 SS, the 1972 200 Rally, the 1976 Vespa ET3, and the 1985 T5 “Pole Position”.
Legendary names in the history of the most famous and – with over 17 million produced since 1946 – most widely ridden scooter on planet Earth.
Ever since its very first years of life there have been sporty versions of the Vespa, often used in speed road racing, and sometimes in major off-road racing events too. This meant that some tantalising racing prototypes were created, as well as the “6-day Vespa”, which consistently dominated the 1951 International Six Days, winning 9 gold medals.
This road racing experience gave rise to the model that many people, to this day, regard as the most beautiful scooter in Vespa history: the 1955 Vespa GS, which was later immortalised in the film Quadrophenia, the rock opera by The Who, and ridden by a young Sting.
Today, the Vespa GTS 300 Super picks up this outstanding sporting tradition which has characterised some of the happiest years in Vespa history. And it does so in a golden age for the Vespa brand: in just a few years production has more than doubled, from around 50,000 Vespas produced in 2004, to 100,000 in 2006, and over 117,000 in 2007 – in testament to a fascination that is still intact after 62 years of history and 145 different models.
Once again the Vespa gets a new look, to enhance the range.
And this time it gets a new body, built without compromise, which emphasizes its sporty character. A body with forms, details and colours that all express its sporty dynamism. The Vespa GTS 300 Super blends not just sportiness and performance, but distinctiveness and character too.
The Vespa GTS 300 Super, thanks to its design and technology, reinterprets a sporty classic from the great Vespa collection.
The frame (the metal heart of the Vespa) has undergone some major modifications. On the right side panel there is an eye-catching grille with horizontal slots – an obvious reference to the most stylish Vespas of the past – which gives an elegant sporty touch to the side of the vehicle.
The new two-tone alloy wheel rims recall the removable ones of past times and highlight the sportiness of the 145th model in Vespa history.
The suspension cover is painted racing red on the front spring, a racing detail that makes the new GTS 300 Super stand out.
The new front shield also underlines its sporty personality: the parking light has been replaced with a stylish air intake enhanced with chrome features.
And the headlight – which is round, in the best Vespa tradition – now has a black rim, giving the Vespa a more serious look.
The instrumentation, which is completely analogue as in the best racing tradition, has new graphics, with white numbers against a black background: easy to read and highly distinctive.
The seat features forms and materials typical of sporty Italian vehicles. The black upholstery has a contrasting light grey outer trim – an explicit reference to the past. Two versions are available: the "Touring", fitted as standard to maximise comfort and usability, and the "Sport" version, available as an option, which enhances the dynamic overall line of the Vespa GTS 300 Super with its single seat configuration.
The increased engine performance has been designed to provide maximum performance in pick-up and acceleration – essential qualities for city commuting.
The displacement of the 4-valve single cylinder Quasar, with electronic injection and liquid-cooled, is now 278 cc thanks to the increase in both the bore (now 75 mm), and the stroke (63 mm).
The new GTS 300 Super is different from the GTS 250 because the new engine has a higher level of torque (22.3 Nm as opposed to 20.1) along with fewer revolutions per minute (5,000 rpm as opposed to 6,500 on the 250). On the road, these numbers translate into flexibility and pick-up from low speeds that are unequalled in this displacement category. So the Vespa GTS 300 Super is the perfect vehicle for the city, where it can show off the very best of what it has to offer.
Vespa is the only scooter in the world with a steel frame – an exclusive design feature that has set Vespa apart from other two wheelers ever since the first model was brought out in 1946.
Put simply, the Vespa does not have a welded plastic-covered tube frame. Instead it is the "body", made entirely of steel, which supports the engine and all the mechanical parts.
It's a design philosophy that gives Vespa superior rigidity (up to 250% more than a scooter with a tube frame), providing incredible precision control and sturdiness that is now legendary.
Inside the Vespa GTS 300 Super frame, underneath the seat, is the fuel tank. Although it can hold a good 9 litres of petrol, giving all the advantages of fuel distance, this does not restrict the under-seat storage space or easy access to the engine once the helmet carrier, which can hold two demi-jet helmets, has been lifted off (no tools required).
To the rigidity of the frame, the Vespa GTS 300 Super adds a chassis featuring 12” wheels with a size 120/70 tyre on the front and a size 130/70 on the rear.
The front suspension has the classic link arm, a traditional feature in Vespa history with excellent dynamic functional characteristics: this system separates the support and shock-absorbing functions, resulting in neutral braking and an anti-lunge effect. The spring in racing red is a distinctive feature of the Vespa GTS 300 Super.
At the rear, two spring pre-load-adjustable hydraulic shock absorbers are fixed to the transmission crankcase and exhaust support.
The new GTS 300 Super has a wide range of accessories so you can personalise your Vespa and make it unique.
Rear top case: elegant and roomy, harmonising with the unique shape of the Vespa GTS 300 Super.
Soft bag: handy and functional for everyday use. Perfectly matches the shape of the top case to maximise capacity.
Chrome tube front carrier: a clear reference to Vespa history.
Chrome tube side protector: an eternal classic in the iconography of Vespa.
Hot cover with magnetic attachment
High windscreen
Electronic alarm
Footrest mat
Front mudguard protector
Anti-theft device
Vehicle cover.

1 | DKI Jakarta | Komplek Bumi Nasio Indah Blok B-8 No. 6 Jati Mekar Pondok Gede - Bekasi Jawa Barat 17422 | Iwan Nizwan | 08161957257 / 081382615599 |
2 | Jawa Barat | Radio Tjandra FM. Jl. Ir. H. Juanda Km 3 Warung Batu Cianjur 43251 | H. Ikhsan | 081572954007 / 0263-9122774 |
3 | Jawa Tengah | Jl. Dr. Ismangil No. 6 Bongsari, Semarang Jawa Tengah | Joko Tirtono, SH | 081548898427 / 0298-311727 |
4 | Jawa Timur | Jl. Dieng no. 15 Ponorogo Jawa Timur | Bayu | Fax. 0352-488 245 08174144388 |
5 | Lampung | Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 3 A (Tk. Vespa 69) Pasar Tugu Bandar Lampung | Saleh | 0811798757 |
6 | Bengkulu | Jl. Bhakti Husada Perum Gading Batara Permai Blok A No. 2 RT 9/3 Kel. Gading Cempaka Bengkulu | Robby | 081539349757 |
7 | Banten | Jl. Raya Tiga Raksa No. (Depan Puskesmas Cisoka) Cisoka Tangerang | M. Munir | 08568787017 |
8 | Bekasi Jawa Barat | Jl. Veteran No. 60 A Bekasi Selatan 17141 Jawa Barat | Firman | 08176332741 |
1 | NAD/Sumatera Utara | Jl. Raimin No. 35 Binjai Sumatera Utara 20732 | Drs. Supraitno | 08126533957 / 061-8822965 |
2 | Sumatera Barat | Perumahan Pasir Putih Blok AA No. 8 Tabing Padang 25171 | Zukri Hatta MM. M Kes | 08163252469 / 0751-7056608 |
3 | Riau Pekanbaru | Ai Asesoris. Jl. Pepaya No. 45 A Pekanbaru Riau | Astuputera | 08127550719 / 081363736373 |
4 | Jambi | Jl. Sukasari No. 75 RT 39 Kelurahan The Hok, Jambi 36138 | Z. Rangkuti | 085266182004 |
5 | Sumatera Selatan | SMA Negeri I Lahat, Jl. Mayor Ruslan I Lahat Sumbagsel | Muldan A Lui | 08153880014/ 0731-322086 |
6 | Sulawesi | Jl. Bhayangkara No. 12 Sungguminasa | Aziz | 085299650890 |
7 | Kalimantan | Jl. Cepu no. 389 Komplek Pertamina Panorama, Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur | Adhy Sanadhy | 08125599996 / 0542-516637 |
8 | Irian Jaya | Jl. Setiapura No. 31 A RT 3/I, Jayapura 99111 Papua | Rere Zamroni |
1 | AYAMA VESPA CLUB | AVC | Jalan Condet Batu Ampar III Rt 07 Rw 04 No.11 Condet Jakarta Timur 13520 | Jakarta Timur | # indra teguh : 081513342103 # adi gunaryadi : 081584419213 # purwoko (woko) : 08561648939 |
2 | JAKARTA VESPA CLUB | JVC | Jl. WijayaTimur VI / 21 Kebayoran Baru | Jakarta Selatan | Ronny (021)7232183 |
3 | VESPA RACING CLUB | VRC | Jl. Utan Panjang III-8 | Jakarta Pusat | Denny (021)7308965 |
4 | KEMAYORAN SCOOTER CLUB | KSC | Komplek Bumi Nasio Indah Blok B8 No.6 Jati Mekar Pondok Gede 17422, Bekasi | Jawa Barat | |
5 | IKATAN VESPA SUKABUMI | IVSI | Jl.Taman Bahagia No, 16 RT.01/VII Kelurahan Benteng Kota Sukabumi | Jawa Barat | Jujun (0266) 244259 |
6 | VESPA CLUB BOGOR | VCB | JI. TropI ID/BT-12 Bumi Menteng Asri Bogor | Jawa Barat | Dedi |
7 | GEROMBOLAN VESPA TG.PRIOK | GROVES | Jakarta Pusat | Joni | |
8 | TANJUNG PRIOK SCOCTTER aUB | TSC | Jl. Raya Plumpang Semper No. 50 RT. 09/02 | Jakarta Utara | Lilis (021) 4304535 / 081808511570 |
9 | PENGGEMAR VESPA CLUB | PVC | Jl. Tawes No, 49 Rawamangun | Jakarta Timur | Ado : 08154042347 |
10 | KING BLUES SCOOTER | KBS | Jl. Kalimalang Raya Blok. A No.1 | Jakarta Timur | Bambang. P (021) 8645708 |
11 | SCOOTER BATAVIA CLUB | SBC | Jl. Bumi Indah No.28 RT 014/09 Kb. Jeruk | Jakarta Barat | Suhari : (021) 5325780 |
12 | SCOOTER MINI CLUB | SMC | Jl. Rama VII/6 Perumahan Taman Mini Indonesia Indah | Jakarta Timur | Dody : 08129063369 |
13 | MILANO SCOOTER CLUB | MSC | Jl. Setiakawan No. 16 Pamulang-Tangerang | Banten | Tokis : 0856982^606 |
14 | SCOOTER FANS CLUB | SFC | Jl. Gonseng Raya No.38 Cijantung | Jakarta Timur | Candra (021) 8708957 |
15 | FATMAWATI VESPA CLUB | FVC | Jl. Abu Serin III/2 Cilandak | Jakarta Selatan | H.Ali (021) 7650244 |
16 | IKATAN PENGENDARA SCOOTER CLUB | IPASCO | Jl. H.Syukur No. 28 Lenteng Agung | Jakarta Selatan | Agus BP : 081808174520 |
17 | JAKARTA ITALIANO VESPA | JIV | Jl. Kenanga 1/161 Depok | Jawa Barat | Mahmudhi : 081572326545 |
18 | KEMANG INDEPENDENT SCOOTER SOLIDARITY | KISS | Jl. Kemang Timur No.64 | Jakarta Selatan | Yudi : 08888002209 |
19 | MARSELA SCOOTER CLUB | MSC | Jl Manggarai Selatan I No.39 RT.002/010 Tebet | Jakarta Selatan | Heri : (021) 8355066 |
20 | VESPA MONAS CLUB | VMC | Jl. Raya PondoK Gede Lubang Buaya No. 02 RT. 006/08 Toko Buku Baqal | Jakarta Timur | H.Kasmo : 08159987244 |
21 | SCOOTER SOLIDARITY CLUB | SSC | Jl. Ciledug Raya Gg.Mahasim No.41 RT. 02/01 Tangerang , | Banten | Sulardi : 08159265657 |
22 | CENGKARENG SCOOTER CLUB | CSC | Jl. Raya Kamal No. 1E RT 11/9 Depan Gg. Jenggot, Kel Tegal Alur, Cengkareng | Jakarta Barat | Heri : 0818 713847,021-5550367 |
23 | PARADISE SCOOTER CLUB | PSC | Jl. Basi No.6 RT. 04/01 Selancau Wansari Bekasi | Jawa Barat | |
24 | VESPA INTER CLUB | VIC | Gunadi,SH Pusdik Resintel Polri Cipayung Mega Mendung Blok E No.4 Bogor 16750 | Jawa Barat | |
25 | PRABU SCOOTER CLUB | PSC | Jl. Kran 1 No. 60 RT.04/06 Gunung Sahari Kemayoran | Jakarta Pusat | |
26 | PAGUYUBAN VESPA SALATIGA | PAVESA | Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 1A Salatiga | Jawa Tengah | |
27 | VESPA CLUB SEMARANG | VCS | Jl. Benteng Raya No. 9 Semarang | Jawa Tengah | |
28 | IKATAN SCOOTER SOLO | ISSO | JI. Parang Centel No. 11 Mangkuyudan | Jawa Tengah | |
29 | JEPARA VESPA CLUB | JVC | Jl.Rata Bate Alit Km 6 Bawu Jepara | Jawa Tengah | |
30 | VESPA INDEPENDENT CLUB KUDUS | VICK | Jl. Bhakti No. 479 Ds.Durian Kudus | Jawa Tengah | |
31 | BATIK VESPA CLUB | BVC | Jl Jend.Sudirman No. 137/167 Pekalongan | Jawa Tengah | |
32 | REMBANG BANGKIT SCOOTERCLUB | RBSC | Jl. BIora Km 2 (Kantor Depdikbud) Rembang | Jawa Tengah | |
33 | IKATAN VESPA DEMAK | IVADE | Jl. Pemuda No. 87 Demak | Jawa Tengah | |
34 | BAHARI SCOOTER CLUB | BSC | Jl. S.Parman No.5 Tegal | Jawa Tengah | |
35 | IKATAN MODIFIKASI MOTOR VESPA | IMMOV | Jl. A. Yani No. 9 Slawi | Jawa Tengah | |
36 | PAGUYUBAN SCOOTER SRAGEN | PASS | Jl. AIPDA Ks.Tubun No. 36 Ringin Anom Sragen | Jawa Tengah | |
37 | PAGUYUBAN SCOOTER KLATEN | PASTEN | Jl. Dr.Wahidin Sudiro Husodo No.9 Klaten | Jawa Tengah | |
38 | SCOOTER FANS CLUB BUMIAYU | SFAC | Jl. Kombas No.82 C Purwokerto | Jawa Tengah | Purwanto : 081327053007 |
39 | PAGUYUBAN PENGGEMAR VESPA INDONESIA | PPVI | Jl. Cempaka V No. 25A Bintaro | Jakarta Selatan | |
40 | NUSAKAMBANGAN SCOOTER CLUB | NSSC | Jl. Jend.Sudirman No. 32 Cilacap | Jawa Tengah | |
41 | VESPA CLUB TEMANGGUNG | VCT | Jl. Subagyo V/67 Temanggung | Jawa Tengah | |
42 | MAGELANG VESPA CLUB | MVC | Jl. Beringin III/No.46 Magelang | Jawa Tengah | |
43 | SATRIA VESPA RECING PURWOKERTO | SVR | Jl. Dr. Angka No. 13 Purvrokerto | Jawa Tengah | |
44 | SCOOTER FANS CLUB BANYUMAS | SFAC | Jl. Karang Sawah No.209 Banyumas 533192 | Jawa Tengah | |
45 | MATARAM SCOOTER CLUB | MSC | Jl. Minggiran No, 56 Yogyakarta | DI Yogyakarta | |
46 | PATI SCOOTER CLUB | PSC | Jl. Wahid Hasyim No.9 Pati | Jawa Tengah | |
47 | VESPA MANIA KROYA | VMK | JI. Lettu Suprapto No.l Kroya 53282 | Jawa Tengah | |
48 | IKATAN VESPA WONOSOBO | IVW | Jl. Sirandau RT. 04/01 Wonosobo | Jawa Tengah | |
49 | SCOOTER MOTOR GUNUNG KIDUL | SMOG | Jl. Siyono Kidul Logandeng Playen Wonosari | DI Yogyakarta | |
50 | SCOOTER BRALING CLUB | SBC | Jl. Wiraguna No.l Purbalingga 53313 | Jawa Tengah | Kabul : 892467/758136/895705 |
51 | MANIA SCOOTER SRAGEN | MASCOOT | Jl. WR Supratman 1613 Kuten Sragen | Jawa Tengah | |
52 | PAGUYUBAN PENGGEMAR SCOOTER SOLO | PPSS | Jl. Soka No.314 Badran Solo | Jawa Tengah | |
53 | PARAHIYANGAN INDEPENDENT SCOOT ASSC | PISA | Komplek Taman Bukit Cibogo Blok. A6/1 Leuwi Gajah Cimahi Bandung 46532 | Jawa Barat | Dedy : (022) 6671805 |
54 | VESPA BUDAK BANTEN | VBB | Jl. Nusantara V Blok DII/2A Komp.Ciceriu Permi III Serang | Banten | Gofar : 081519860959 |
55 | PONOROGO INDEPENDENT SCOOTER ASSOCIATION | PISA | Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan No. 108 Ponorogo | Jawa Timur | Imam Widodo : 08125925583 |
56 | VESPA INTER CLUB | VIC | Jl. Kutilang D-28 RT. 01/04 Jakamulya Bekasi | Jawa Barat | |
57 | MANIA VESPA BOGOR | MVB | Jl. Raya Cibanteng RT. 03/05 Ciampea Bogor 1160 | Jawa Barat | Nata : 08569081348 |
58 | SCOOTER OWNER CLUB CIPANAS | SOCC | JI. Raya Pacet KM 20 Cipanas Cianjur | Jawa Barat | H.Odang : 08176673388 |
59 | IKATAN VESPA CIANJUR | IVEC | Radio Tjandra 31. Dr. Muwardi KM 03 Panembong Cianjur | Jawa Barat | fchsan : 081572954007 |
60 | PURWAKARTA SCOOTER CLUB | PSC | Jl. RE Martadinata No.447 c (JLTengah) Purwakarta | Jawa Barat | Lambret :(0264) 205462 |
61 | VESPA KARAWANG CLUB | VKC | Jl. Suroto Kunto KM 7 Karawang | Jawa Barat | Tholib : (0267) 433721 |
62 | BEKASI OTOMOTIF SCOOTER CLUB | BOSC | JL Veteran No. 60 B Bekasi | Jawa Barat | Prayftno : (021) 8841002 |
63 | VESPA DEPOK CLUB | VDC | Jl. Rokan II No. 149 Blok XVII DepokTimur | Jawa Barat | Yoga : (021) 7701762 |
64 | FANATIS YESPA CLUB BEKASI | FVC-B | Jl. Diponegoro Gg. Karya Logam No.19 Tambun Bekasi | Jawa Barat | |
65 | IKATAN SCOOTER CILEGON | ISC | JI. DI Panjaitan No.4 Pagebangan CiIegon | Banten | |
66 | VESPA TANGERANG ClUB/BUDAVES | VTC | Jl. KH.Hasyim Ashari Gg.Amer II RT 003/06 Poris Plawad Tangerang | Banten | |
67 | CIKAMPEK SCOOTER CLUB | CSC | Jl. A.Yani 15 PGM d/a Bpk Wilby Cikampek | Jawa Barat | Engkos: 08 13 18413077 |
68 | SCOOTER ANTIQUE DEPOK | SCAD | Jl Srimpi III/317 Depok ll Tengah | Jawa Barat | |
69 | SCOOTER BANTEN CLUB | SBC | Komplek Gemilangsari D.II/No.166 Cinanggung Serang | Banten | Ibes : 08129463636 |
70 | VESPA OWNER CIREBON | VOC | Jl. Pangeran Drajat Gg.Inpres I RT.09/07 No. 15 Kel.Drajat Cirebon | Jawa Barat | Suhendi : (0231) 231458 |
71 | MARGONDA VESPA CLUB | MVC | Jl. Citayam Raya No. 15. 28 Depok | Jawa Barat | |
72 | SCOOTER CLUB CITEREUP | SCUCI | Jl. Karang sem Barat No. I RT.16/02 Citeureup Bogor | Jawa Barat | Mono : (021) 87942798 |
73 | BEKASI SCOOTER CLUB | BSC | Jl. H. Agus Salim No.89 Bekasi | Jawa Barat | |
74 | BULDOG VESPA CLUB/KIVAS | BVC | Jl. KH. Amin Jasuta No.277 Serang | Banten | Indra : (0254) 211664 |
75 | SCOOTER OWNER CLUB BALARAJA | SOC-B | Jl. Raya Kresek KM.l Balaraja 15610 | Banten | |
76 | FANS ANTIQUE SCOOTER TEAM | FAST | Jl. Perum PJKA No.24 Komp.Pada Suka Indah | Jawa Barat | Edi : 08172377392 |
77 | SCOOTER SURABAYA CLUB | SSC | Jl. Joyoboyo/Padmo Susastro No.14 B Surabaya | Jawa Timur | |
78 | CREATIFE VESPA SURABAYA | CREVAS | Jl. Pucangadi No.31 Surabaya Timur | Jawa Timur | |
79 | SON PROMO | - | Jl. Raya Karang Tengah No.02 Lebak Bulus | Jakarta Selatan | Adit : (021) 7508225 |
80 | MALANG VESPA CLUB | MALVES | Jl. Terusan Ijen Mo. 14 Malang 65116 | Jawa Timur | |
81 | CHICAGO VESPA CLUB | CVC | Jl. Lamong Rejo No.100 Lamongan | Jawa Timur | |
82 | NDEREK SCOOTER TEAM BANGIL | NST-B | Jl. Pandean No. 663 Bangil | Jawa Timur | |
83 | BANYUWANGI SCOOTER CLUB | BSC | Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 61 (Restoran Wina) Banyuwangi | Jawa Timur | |
84 | VESPA ANTIQUE CLUB - LAMPUNG | VAC- L | Perum Tanjung Raya Permai A-6 No.29/30 31. Ratu Dibatau Tanjung Senang | Lampung | |
85 | VESPA OWNER CLUB - LAMPUNG | VOC-L | Jl. Dr. Harun I No.44 Kota BaruTanjung Karang Timur | Lampung | Sidik : (0721) 470918 |
86 | SCOOTER BANDAR LAMPUNG | SBL | Jl.M.Yunus No.20 RT. 03/04 LK I Tanjung | Lampung | 0817 930933 |
87 | TANGGAMUS SCOOTER CLUB-LAMPUNG | TSC-L | Jl.Talang Padang Pasar Toko Los C B;ol HI/4 | Lampung | Wisman (0729) 41880 |
88 | PENGGEMAR VESPA PALEMBANG | PVP | Jl. Angkatan 66 Lorong Jambu Palembang | Sumatera Selatan | Wawan(0711) 820.636 |
89 | RAFLESIA VESPA CLUB | RVC | Jl. Cempaka VI No.355 RT.6 Kebun Beler | Bengkulu | Robi : 081539349757 |
90 | JAMBI SCOOTER CLUB | JSC | Jl. Raden Manuk No.13 RT 03 Jambi 36141 | Jambi | |
91 | IKATAN VESPA BATAM-BARELANG | IVB | Komp.Taman Nagoya Indah Blok M No.7 Nagoya Batam | Batam | |
92 | NUSANTARA SCOOTER CLUB-BALI | NSC-B | Jl. .Dr Sutomo No. 77 B Denpasar | Baii | |
93 | GABUNGAN ANAK SCOOTER | GAS | Jl. Moch Kahfi I No.35 RT10/6 Jagakarsa | Jakarta Sdatan | |
94 | MEDAN SCOOTER CLUB | MSC | Jl. Rajawali No.44 Medan | Sumatera Utara | |
95 | SCOOTER ADVENTURE CLUB | SAC | Jl. RayaTanah Baru 7 Bogor | Jawa Barat | Dadang : 08128706673 |
96 | SCOOTER TASIKMALAYA CLUB | STC | Jl. Ampera No.4 Tasikmalaya | Jawa Barat | Dadang ; (0265) 342551 |
97 | PALEMBANG FANS CLUB | PFC | Jl. Angkatan 45 No. 2250 J Palembang Barat | Sumatera Selatan | 0816384004/0827111744 |
98 | LAUTAN VESPA CLUB | LVC | Jl. Cilandak H/79 Fatmawati | Jakarta Sdatan | M.Lautan.SH (021)7512860 |
99 | PAGUYUBAN VESPA RAJAWALI-LAMPUNG | PVR | JI.Dr Sam Ratulangi No. 158 Gedong Air Tj.Karang Barat | Lampung | Edi: 081 1724741 |
100 | VESPA WARISAN BABE | VWB | Jl. Mawar Merah 11/48 RT. 005/01 Kel.Pd.Kopi Duren Sawit | Jakarta Timur | Adi : 085691338593 |
101 | PAGUYUBAN SCOOTER CILEGON | PSC | JI Merapi No.3 Kav. Blok F Ciwaduk Cilegon 421415 | Banten | Mahdi Masbullah (0254) 380152 |
102 | LAMONGAN VESPA CLUB | LVC | Jl. Chairul Huda No.6 Lamongan | Jawa Timur | Nunggal (0322) 323421 |
103 | PIAGGIO RAINCITY CLUB | PRC | Jl. Kemang 2 Blok E No. 27 Komplek IPB Alam Sinar Sari, Darmaga Bogor | Jawa Barat | Ridobrown 0251-8620315, 08561406181, email: ridobrown@gmail.com , http://ridobrown.co.cc |
104 | BINJAI ITALIAN SCOOTER | BIS | Jl.Raimin No.25 Binjai 20372 | Sumatera Utara | Yitno : 08126533957 |
105 | SCOOTER TOURING MANIA JAKARTA | STMJ | Jl Bintara Raya I No. 15 RT 002/03 Kelurahan Bintara Bekasi Barat | Jawa Barat | Heru : 081311404007 |
106 | VESPA LAMPUNG BARAT CLUB | VLBC | Jl. Raden Intan No.44 Ciwa Barat | Lampung | 0728-21263/21683 |
107 | SCOOTER CLUB DEPOK | SCD | Jl. Pindahan II No.35 Rt04/Rw10 Pancoran mas, Kota Depok Telp.021-77201231 | Jawa Barat | Budi Santoso: 0818.493.773, email: wbsmayo@yahoo.com |
108 | SETIA VESPA CLUB | svc | Jl. Akses UI No, 3 Kelapa Dua Depok | Jawa Barat | Tauffc : 08161363929 |
109 | MITRA SCOOTER CLUB -MAGETAN | MSC-M | Jl. Kasianto No. 140 Gorang Gareng Magetan 63382 | Jawa Tlmur | |
110 | DELTA SCOOTER CLUB | DSC | JLRaya Yon Zikon XIV No. 5 Kd Pos 12640 | Jakarta Selatan | |
111 | VESPA BUM I SERPONG DAMAI | VBSD | Jl. Raya Serpong Cilenggang I Serpong Tangerang | Banten | Heru : (021) 5378461/5387723 |
112 | DUMAI VESPA CLUB | DVC | Jl. Sultan Syarif Kasim No. 270 Dumai | Riau | Sondang Raja : (0765) 34853 |
113 | GABUNGAN REMAJA SCOOTER SERANG | GRESS | Jl. Jend.Sudirman Ciceri Jaya No. 38 Serang | Banten | Rahmat : (0254) 207893 |
114 | SCOOTER ANAK RANTAU | SAR | Jl. Merpati Mas III-B V/II Tj.Barat | Jakarta Sdatan | Asli Medri (021)7802379 |
115 | CENDRAWASIH SCOOTER CLUB SORONG | CSC-S | Jl. Basuki Rahmat Km 8560 No.8B - Sorong | Papua | |
116 | PAMULANG SCOOTER. CLUB | PSC-12801 | Jl. Bratasena VI BC. 6/6 Perumahan Reni Jaya Pamulang Tangerang 15416 | Banten | Ali Omboh : 08888192660/(021)7490317 |
117 | JONGGOL ORIGINAL SCOOTER | JOS | Jl. Raya Jonggol KM 12 Restoran San Priangan Bogor | Jawa Barat | Saful : (021) 89933010 |
118 | SERUMPUN SCOOTER BLITAR | SCROOB | Jl. Kenari No.127 Blitar | Jawa Timur | Rahendra (0342) 807045 |
119 | JEMBER SCOOTER CLUB | JSC | Jl. Gajah Mada XIX No. 140 Jember | Jawa Timur | Oni : 081336234040 |
120 | SCOOTER MADIUN CLUB | SMC | Jl. Wjjaya Gg. I/II Madiun | Jawa Timur | |
121 | SRENGAT SCOOTER CLUB | SSC | Jl. Kamboja 18 Srengat Blitar | Jawa Timur | H.Abd. Ha mid (0342)551134 |
122 | METRO SCOOTER CLUB | MSC | Jl. Cut Nya Dien Gg.Mekarsari 15 B Barat RT. 04/01 Kota Metro | Lampung | Sutopo : (0725)551296 |
123 | SELERO FANS SCOOTER | SFC | Jl. Sentosa No. 17 RT. 08/02 Jl. Lahat | Sumatera Selatan | DwiYono (073 1)325641 |
124 | JUNIOR HALIANO VESPA | JIV | JI. MS Batu Bara Gg.Melati I Kupang TebaTeluk Betung | Lampung | Susanto( 0721) 473227 |
125 | PALAPA VESPA CLUB/SATAN SOUL SCOOTER | PVC/SSS | Jl. Ratu Dibalai Ho. 122 Way Kandis Sukarame Bd.Lampung | Lampung | Arya Darma : (0721) 704294 |
126 | LAMPUNG INDIAN SCOOTER | LIS | Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 203 Gedung Air | Lampung | Edi Suprapto (0721) 788393 |
127 | SATELIT VESPA CLUB | SVC | Jl. KH Mas Mansyur No. 80 Rawa Laut | Lampung | Suprapto (0721) 257146 |
128 | PRINGSEWU INDEPENDENT SCOOTER | PISA | Jl. A. Yani Pringsewu No. 11/70 | Lampung | Hari: (0721) 22789 |
129 | PAGUYUBAN SCOOTER PAGELARAN | PSP | Jl. Raya Pagelaran No. 55/73 Ps. Panutan Pagelaran | Lampung | |
130 | SCOOTER BIKER CLUB | SBC | Jl. Serma Tarmini Rahman No. 179 Rawa Kalianda | Lampung | Azwar: (0727)21769 |
131 | BANJAR JAYA SCOOTER CLUB | BSC | Jawa Tengah | ||
132 | IPASCO KUDUS | Jl. Garung Lor RT 01/03 Kaliwungu Kudus | Jawa Tengah | ||
133 | SAFARI VESPA CLUB PADANG | SVC | Jl. Gajah Mada No. 14 Padang | Sumatera Barat | Jukri: 08163252469 |
134 | ITALIANO BIKER ANTIQUE TEAM CLUB | IBATC | Jl. Perum Peruri Kelana G-13 Way Halim | Lampung | Raymon (0721)786219 |
135 | KEBUMEN VESPA CLUB | KVC | Jalan Pahlawan No. 14 Kebumen | Jawa Tengah | Cipto/Yatno (Ye-Te) (0287)5507552 |
136 | PURWOREJO SCOOTER CLUB | PSC | Jl. Kiai Brengkel Purworejo 54111 | Jawa Tengah | |
137 | MANIA TIGARAKSA CLUB | MTC | Jl. Raya Serang KM 21 Cibadak Tangerang | Banten | Ismail:(021) 59400463 |
138 | KEMANG SCOOTER TEAM | KST | Jl. Puri Sakti I/21 RT 02/07 Cipete Selatan | Jakarta Selatan | Madun : (021) 75818050 |
139 | SCOOTER TARAKAN CLUB | STC | Jl. P. Irian RT 02 No. 89 Tarakan | Kalimantan Timur | M. Yunus Kobar: 0551-33082 |
140 | DELIGHT VESPA CLUB | DVC | Boncu: 081321572940 | ||
141 | SCOOTER UJUNG BANTEN | SUB | Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 1 Labuan | Banten | Enjat: 081282233150 |
142 | SCOOTER FANS CLUB CISOKA | SFCC | Jl. Raya Tigaraksa No. 56 Kec. Cisola Tangerang 15730 | Banten | Munik: (021) 5952557 |
143 | PALEMBANG INDEPENDENT SUPER SCOOTER | PISS | Jl. Trikora LR Rindu No. 13 10 Palembang 30137 | Sumatera Selatan | Ucok : (0711) 366454 |
144 | PANGANDARAN SCOOTER ASSOCIATION | PASCA | Jl. Raya Babakan KM 2 Bengkel Rod Pangandaran 46396 Ciamis | Jawa Barat | Soni : 08132302908 |
145 | ACEH TAMIANG SCOOTER CLUB | ATSC | JI Tanjung Karang No. 13 Kuala Simpang Aceh | Banda Aceh | Adi Blak : 08126501053 |
146 | GENERASI HOBBY SCOOTER CLUB | GHOST | JlRaya Harapan Kita No.2 Perum Harapan Kita KarawiTangerang | Banten | Adis : 08129876532 |
147 | SAMARINDA VESPA CLUB | SVC | Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 10 Samarinda | Kalimantan | Sukaryo :(0541) 734747 |
148 | MANADG SCOOTER CLUB | MSC | Jl. Arnold Monutu No. 9 Wanea Manado 95177 | Sulawesi | Mkhel : 081356025579 |
149 | BANJARMASIN VESPA CLUB | BVC | Jl. Kp.Melayu Darat IAIN RT. 12 No.6 Banjarmasin | Kalimantan Selatan | Ipan (0511)65102/2171365 |
150 | MAKASAR PX 777 CLUB | ||||
151 | IKATAN MOTOR ANTIK SCOOTER | IMASCO | Jl. P.Diponegoro No. 76 Pangkalan Bun | Kalimantan Tengah | Iwan : 08125074722 |
152 | BRANDAN SCOOTER CLUB | BRASC | Jl. Besitang No : 39 Samp. As. POM Pangkalan Brandan Langkat | Sumatra Utara | Mayor : 081361192745 |
153 | VESPA WONK CIREBON | VWC | Jl Harapan No. 17 RT.05/05 Kosambi Qrebon 45133 | Jawa Barat | |
154 | SCOOTER RACING CIREBON | SRC | Jl. Pangeran Drajat Gg.Karang Mulya IV No.216 RT. 05/02 Cirebon | Jawa Barat | Anang : 08156234689 |
155 | BRIGADE VESPA JOMBANG | BRIVES | Jl. Gubernur Suryo Gg. VI/31 Jombang | Jawa Timur | Hari Suwarno (0321) 866624 |
156 | MEKARSARI VESPA CLUB | MVC | Jawa Barat | ||
157 | SURABAYA METROPOLIS SCOOTER | SMS | Jl. Jayabaya No.76 Surabaya 60242 | Jawa Timur | Ngatuwin (031) 5613268 |
158 | LANGSA SCOOTER CLUB | LSC | Jl. T. Chikditunong No.19 Kota Langsa NAD | DI Aceh | Ucok : 081361389745 |
159 | PENGGILINGAN SCOOTER | PS | Bengkel Pagoto Jl. Penggilingan Raya | Jawa Barat | |
160 | SCOOTER OTOMOTIF BENGKULU | SOB | JL Salim Batu Bara No.49 RT. 08 Kelurahan Tengan Padang Bengkulu 38118 | Bengkulu | Dayat : (0736) 342061 |
161 | KUNINGAN INDEPENDENTS SCOOTER | KIS | Jawa Barat | Heri Han : 081324204508 | |
162 | DEPOK VESPA CLUB CILODONG | DVC-C | Jl. Raya Bogor No.15 KM 39 Cilodong Depok | Jawa Barat | Nenek: 081539232610 |
163 | SCOOTER WINGS ADVENTURE TEAM | SWAT | Jl. Syeh Quro No.15 RT 04/04 Lamaran Plumbonsari Karawang | Jawa Barat | Amung : 081311158515 |
164 | HIMPUNAN INSAN VESPA | HIV | Kp. Rawa Tua RT.Ql/09 Desa Mekarsari Karawang 41374 | Jawa Barat | Urip Bima : 081316371975 |
165 | BLORA VESPA OWNERS | BLOVESO | Jl. R.A. Kartini Blora | Jawa Timur | 0296-53 1407/081156579343 |
166 | CHUBBY JAKARTA | Bonny | |||
167 | KEDIRI SCOOTER. CLUB | KSC | Jl. Wilis Tama VI/42 Perum.Wqilis Indah I Kediri | Jawa Tengah | 03 54-773857/08 1234983 56 |
168 | MAHAKAM SCOOTER CLUB | MSC | Jl. Danau Toba No. 22 RT.XXII Mahakam | Kalimantan | (0541) 204391 |
170 | SCOOTER FANS CLUB BANDUNG | SFC | Babakan Jati Mulya III RT.03/02 Bumuruh Bandung | Jawa Barat | Angga : 08562126225 |
171 | VESPA ITAL1ANO KRAKATAU CLUB | VIKC | JI. KH. Samsul No. 90 Kav. V Cilegon | Banten | Eko : 08176495604 |
172 | SCOOTER FANS CLUB PADANG | SFC | Jl. Belakang Olo No. S3 Padang | Sumatera Barat | |
173 | FAMILY SCOOTER | FASCO | Jl. Raya Setu/H.Karim RT. 005/05 No, 16 Kode Pos 13880 | Jakarta Timur | 1.sekretariat Dgn Bpk Arif Bastian di 021 84978248 |
175 | SMART SCOOTER MOTOART | SMART | Jl. Cabe III No.2 RT.04/06 Pd.Cabe Ciputat Tangerang | Banten | Jotoo-S :(021) 7429384 |
176 | BEKASI SCOOTER FAMILI | B"SCOFA | Komp.PU Blok l No. 19 Bantar Gebang Bekasi | Jawa Barat | Joko Bromo: (021) 9139150 |
177 | VESPA TEAM MOTOR | VTM | Kp. Sala Cau Batu Jajar Bandung 40561 | Jawa Barat | Kamal : 081321630616 |
178 | SOCBRIKER VESPA CLUB PLUS | SVCP | Jl. Melur No.9 Markas AsykarTheking Pekan Baru Riau | ||
179 | JAMBI SCOOTER CLUB MUARA BUNCO | JSC | Jl. Sapta Marga RT04/2 Mo. 175 Sai Pinangg Muara Bungo | Jambi | VedriYani : (0747)321358 |
180 | SCOOTER KUTARAJA CLUB | SKC | Jl. Panglima Polim No. 138 Banda Aceh | DI Aceh | Basri: 085260062931 |
181 | BULAN OWNERS SCOOTER | BOS | Jl. Rebab No.33 Titirante Medan 20156 | Sumatera Utara | Ocy (061) 77401976, e-mail: bulan_owners_scooter@yahoo.co.id |
182 | RENGAT VESPA CLUB PLUS | RVCP | Jl. Aski Aris Gg.Lestari No.01 Rengat | Sumatera Selatan | VeryQalbi : 081365720404 |
183 | VESPA CLUB BANDUNG | VCB | Jl. RayaCiwastra No.335 Bandung | Jawa Barat | Usep : 081809000006 |
184 | MODIFIKASI SCOOTER CURUP | MOSC | Jl. Batu Galing No.38 RT.01/I Kal. Talang Rimba Lama Curup Bengkulu 39114 | Bengkulu | lyan (0732) 22409 |
185 | ADIPURA JAMBI SCOOTER | AJS | Jl. Soekarno Hatta Simpang Tugu Adipura No. 37 RT.03 Kel.Pasir Putih Jambi | Jambi | ZaenalArifin : (0741)572537 |
186 | BUKIT TINGGI MOTOR SCOOTER CLUB | BMSC | Jl. Prof. Dr Hamka No. 27 B Bukit Tinggi | Sumatera Barat | Al Fitri :(0752) 640156 |
187 | BROTHER CLUB SCOOTER JAMBI | BROCLUSC | Jl. MH.Thamrin No.33 RT 12/RW 04 Kel. Beringin Pasar | Jambi | Ronni |
188 | PRABUMULIH SCOOTER CLUB | PSC | Jl. Jambu No. 244 A Comperta Prabumulih 31122 | Sumatera Selatan | Dodi: (0713)383117 |
189 | SCOOTER CLUB KERTOSONO | SECKER | Jl. Dewi Sartika No.14 Banaran Kertosono | Jawa Timur | Suprayitno (0358) 552272 |
190 | MAKASSAR SCOOTER CLUB | MSC | Jl. Maccini Tengah No. 16 B Makassar | Sulawesi Seiatan | Muhadir(411) 449707 |
191 | PAGUYUBAN VESPA MAGETAN | PAVESTAN | Jl. Diponegoro No. 22 Magetan | Jawa Tengah | Wardiyono (0351) 891795 |
192 | SCOOTER PARAHYANGAN CLUB | SPAC | Jl. Raya Timur Belakang No. 489 Padalarang Bandung 40553 | Jawa Barat | Yan : (022) 91 146443 |
193 | BANDUNG IMORTAL SCOOTER | BIS | Jl. Sandang No.36 RT.03/ll CinunukCileunyi Bandung | Jawa Barat | Buyung : (022)7813507 |
194 | BARUDAK VESPA BANDUNG | BAVES | Jawa Barat | Joko : 081320171371 | |
195 | SCOOTER LAMPUNG TIMUR | SELAT | Jl. Way Jepara Lampung Timur | Lampung | |
196 | SCOOTER PEKALONGAN CLUB | SPC | Jl. Raya Pekalongan 30A No.29 Pekalongan Lampung Timur 34191 | Lampung | |
197 | VESPA GANESA | VEGAS | Jl. KH. Dwantoro No. 108 Kampus ISA Metro | Lampung | |
198 | SCOOTER CLASSIC LAMPUNG | SCALA | Jl. Dr. Sam Ratulangi No. 57/32 Penengahan | Lampung | Kami : 085269333444 |
199 | GREAT GIANTMOTOR CLUB | GGMC | PT. GGP Jl. Lintas Timur No. 77 Terbanggi Besar Lampung Tengah | Lampung | |
200 | KOMUNITAS SCOOTER KOTABUMI | KSK | Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.08 Sukun Kota Bumi | Lampung | |
201 | SCOOTER SPIRITUAL CLUB | SSC | Pondok Pest Putri Nurul Huda Pringsewu Tanggamus | Lampung | Huse (0729) 23202 |
202 | SOLOK VESPA CLUB | SVC | Solok Padang | Sumatera Barat | Ken :08126769000 / 081363305152 |
203 | DEMPO SCOOTER CLUB | DSC | Jl. Gunung No. 10 Sidoarjo Pagar Alam Selatan | Sumatera Selatan | 0730-624821 |
204 | SIANTAR SCOOTER CLUB | SSC | Jl. Melati Ho. 22 Pematang Siantar | Sumatera Utara | 0622-434796 |
205 | PANDEGLANG INDEPENDENT SCOOTER SOCIETY | PISS | JI. T. Pahlawan No. 1 Pandeglang | Banten | Anis: '0811123344 |
206 | SIMPATISAN AUTO SCOOTER | SAS | Jl. Pagelaran Gg. Lingkar RT. 06/03 No.70 Lubang Buaya 13810 | Jakarta Timur | Suroso : D8151871801 |
207 | JAKARTA SCOOTER CLUB | JSC | Kp. Bali RT. 16/02 Kelurahan Wjaya Kusuma | Jakarta Barat | Opung : 081319850814 |
208 | SCOOTER SERANG TIMUR CLUB | SSTC | Jl. Raya Serang Km 72 Kp.Citawa RT. 09/02 Ds.Tambak Kec, Kibin Banten 42185 | Banten | Kamid : 091381900400 |
209 | SCOOTER ADVENTURE CLUB | SAC | Jl. Prof.M.Yamin Gg.PGA No.44 Pontianak | Kalimantan Barat | Heri Santoso (051)746150 |
210 | SCOOTER ANAK TONGKRONGAN | SATO | Jl. Raya Batujajar No. 72 RT.02/02 Cimareme Padalarang Bandung 40553 | Jawa Barat | 0815 73749999 |
211 | SCOOTER OWNER JATIWANGI | SOJAT | Jl. Raya Timur Jatiwangi No. 53 | Ujang : (0233) 881789 | |
212 | ALIANSI VESPA CURUG TANGERANG | ALVECTA | Jl. PLP Curug RT 002/02 Pos I PLP Ds. Serdang Wetan Legok Tangerang | Banten | |
213 | BENGKULU VESPA CLUB | BVC | Jl. Letkol Santoso RT.04 No.1009 Kel. Pasar Melintang | Bengku!u | Hari : 081367787123 |
214 | PELABUHAN RATU VESPA CLUB | PVC | Jl. Bhayangkara KM 2 Kiara Lawang P.Ratu SMI | Banten | Iwan : (0266) 433838 |
215 | SCOOTER RAGUDIG CLUB | SRC | Jl. Serma Muhtar No.20 RT.04/11 Lingkar Perigi Kota Kulon Sumedang | Jawa Barat | 85220931726 |
216 | BALIKPAPAN SCOOTER CLUB | BSC | JI. Jend.A.Yani Komp.Pertamina Tanah Abang 267 Balik Papan 76123 | Kalimantan Timur | Adi : 08125599996 |
217 | SCOOTER OWNERS CLUB MANIA | SOCM | Jl. Untung Surapati Gg.Mataram No. 53 Labuhan Ratu | Lampung | Mdky : '085269039835 |
218 | MANNA VESPA CLUB | MVC | Jl. KoL Berlian No. 99 RT.9/RW.2 Kel.Kota Medan Manna Bengkulu Selatan | Bengkulu | Hem Suhartono : (0739) 22167 |
219 | MALBOROUH VESPA CLUB | MAVEC | Rawa Makmur RT.02 No. 56 | Bengkulu | 1. Henda Jaya / Kep +6285268793067 |
220 | LIWA VESPA MANIA | LVM | Legio Jl. Raden Intan | Lampung | Liwa : (0728)21674 |
221 | VESPA INHIL CLUB | VIC | Indragiri Hilir Jl.Telaga Biru Tembilahan Kab. Inhil | Riau | |
222 | GOMBONG SCOOTER MANIA | GOSMA | Gg. Kepodang No. 517 Gombong | Jawa Tengah | 0817 06600076 |
223 | ANCOL VESPA CLUB | AVC | Ancol Tg.Periuk | Jakarta Utara | Endro: 0818904755 |
224 | MAGELANG SCOOTER CLUB | MSC | Tidar Indah III/27 Magelang | Jawa Tengah | 0293-311232 / 08122755498 |
225 | IKATAN SCOOTER PURWODADI | ISPO | JI. MH.Thamrin No.2 Purwodadi | Jawa Tengah | 0292-424017 / 081325356708 |
226 | BANJARNEGARA SCOOTER CLUB | BSC | Jl. Kauman No.31 Banjarnegara | Jawa Tengah | 0286-593688 |
227 | BAHUREKSO SCOOTER MANIA | BASSCOM | Jl Utama Tengah No.215/Toko Arkos Weleri | Jawa Tengah | 0294-641161 |
228 | SINDORO SUMBING SCOOTER CLUB | S3C | Jl. Ngadirejo Km 5 Bajangan Baru Parakan | Jawa Tengah | 0293-597158/081328400318 |
229 | PALAGAN SCOOTER CLUB | PSC | Rengas RT. 03/06 Tambakboyo Ambarawa | Jawa Tengah | 0298-593491/081325171457 |
230 | MAJENANG SCOOTER CLUB | MSC | Jl. Diponegoro No.24 Majenang | Jawa Tengah | 0280-621772 |
231 | IKATAN SCOOTER WONOGIRI | ISWI | Jl. Diponegoro No. 12 Bulusuhur Wonogiri | Jawa Tengah | 0273-322175/08121504405 |
232 | PAGUYUBAN SCOOTER GENUK | PSG PLUNG | Jl. Padi Raya Bengkel Vespa Pa'Min Genuk Indah Semarang | Jawa Tengah | 024-6595606 |
233 | UNNES VESPA OWNERS | UVO | Perc. Krayon Samping Gg Pisang Sekaran Semarang | Jawa Tengah | 081 532856483/08 1 57798749 |
234 | KUDUS SCOOTER CLUB | KSC JASECA | Jl Raya Kudus Rudadi Ds.Tanjung Karang Gg.IV/254 Kec. Jati Kudus | Jawa Tengah | 0291-434721 |
235 | UNGARAN SCOOTER CLUB | USC | Jl. RA Kartini No. 297 Ungaran | Jawa Tengah | 024-6921485/08122992169 |
236 | SCOOTER RONGGOLAWE CEPU | SRC | Jl. Gajah Mada Turibang II No.34 Cepu | Jawa Tengah | 81931600421 |
237 | VESPA ORANG GAUL SALATIGA | VOG'S | Jl. Senjaya No.27 Salatiga | Jawa Tengah | 08157792431 / 08174165272 |
238 | BENGAWAN VESPA CLUB | BVC | Jl. A. Yani No. 183 Solo | Jawa Tengah | 0271-653910 / 08122637305 |
239 | BOJA SCOOTER CLUB | BSC | Jl. Masjid Gede Ho.7 Boja 51381 | Jawa Tengah | 0294-527739 / 08122538138 |
240 | BOYOLALI SCOOTER CLUB | BSC | Jl. Ponco Budoyo RT 5/2 Pulisen Boyolali | Jawa Tengah | 0276-324443 |
241 | BANYUMAS SCOOTER SUDIRMAN | BASSGOM | Jl. Kolonel Sudiyono I No. 389 Purwokerto | Jawa Tengah | |
242 | PAGUYUBAN SCOOTER CLASSIC | PASCA | Jl. Suratmo No. 2 Semarang | Jawa Tengah | 081325255131/08122836658 |
243 | GUBUG VESPA CLUB | GVC | Jl. A. Yani No. 30 Gubug | Jawa Tengah | 08122 558438 |
244 | IKATAN PRIA NAIK VESPA | INPRINAV | Jl. Purwoyoso 11/25 Ngaliyan Semarang | Jawa Tengah | 8155670348 |
245 | VESPA OTOMOTIF CLUB | VOC | Jl. Gatot Subroto No.225 Blora | Jawa Tengah | 0296-531754/08164257154 |
246 | BUDAYA PECINTA VESPA SULURSARI | BUDAPVESS | SDN 2 Pelem Kec.Gabus Kab.Grobogan Sulur Sari 5818&3 | Jawa Tengah | 81575540103 |
247 | MAGELANG SCOOTER RESTRO | MASTER | Jl. Pahlawan No.38 Tegalrejo Magelang | Jawa Tengah | 0293, 5505.226/081328891 11C |
243 | EBONY SCOOTER CLUB | ESC | Jl. Sempati No.08 Birobuli Utama Palu Selatan Sulawesi Tengah | Sulawesi Tengah | Ambotua (0451)488125/081524517265; ?4541 167 |
249 | BONE SCOOTER CLUB | BSC | Jl. Kawerang No.9 Watampone | Sulawesi Selatan | Nur Abidin : (0481)21133 |
250 | SCOOTER OTOMOTIF CLUB 777 | SOC | Jl. R.Suprapto Pimatu Kendari/Jl. Nipa Raya I/3 Kendari | Sulawesi Tenggara | Sadikin (0401)329925/0401-393269/085241519577 |
251 | GORONTALO SCOOTER CLUB | GSC | Jl. 23 Januari No.69 Kel.Ipilo Kec.Kota Timur Kota Gorontalo | Sulawesi Utara | Husni Ardi :(0852)4002 1037 |
252 | ROEKOEN SCOOTER MANGOENI | RSM | Hotel Paboa Indah Jl. Meranti No.4 Pakoa Lingkar2 Kec.Tamea Menado 95118 | Sulawesi Utara | 0813.4010.2235/0813.4037.91 |
253 | SCOOTER BUMIAYU CLUB | SBC | Jl. H.Marzuki No.45 Bumiayu | Jawa Tengah | Anang : 08164282752 |
254 | SCOOTER. INDEPENDENT FAMILY | SIF | Jl. SimpangTiga Rt.01/03 Klapa Gading Wangon | 3awa Tengah | Haji : 08122674559 |
255 | SERDANG VESPA CLUB | SVC | Banten | ||
256 | VESPA INDPENDENT PANGKEP | VIP | Jl. Penghibur No.33 Mattoangin Pangkafene Pangkep 90617 | Junaidi Nedding : (0410) 323172 | |
257 | SCOOTER ENGGANG CLUB | SEC | Jl. Ampera Gg. Pelangi, Pontianak | Kalimantan Barat | |
258 | SINJAI VESPA CLUB | svc | Jl. BuluSaraung No.50 Sinjai | Sulawesi Selatan | Agus Mujarab.SH (0482) 21637 |
259 | LOSARI PX CLUB | LPC | Jl. Bhayangkara No. 12 Sungguminasa Goa | Sulawesi Selatan | Azis/Lukman : (0411) 822040 |
260 | JAYAPURA VESPA CLUB | JVC | Jl. Perintis I No.68 Klof kamp Komplek Belakang POM RT.03/VI Gurabesi Jaya Pura | Irian Jaya | M. Rtzal |
261 | BULUKUMBA SCOOTER CLUB | BSC | Komplek BTN Bonto Kamase Blok. G4/4 Kab. Bulukumba | Sulawesi Selatan | |
264 | Vespa Kelapa Dua | Veskada | Jl. Danau Kelapa Dua X/10 Tangerang 15811 | Tangarang | Alpha 0811 9694 422 Sudrun 0813 8067 5981 |
265 | Paguyuban Scooter Jampang | PSJ | Jl. Surade`Wetan RT 04/02 Desa Sukakarya 43179 Distro Radiasi Samping Paramon | Sapud 0817 751 533 | |
266 | Gabungan Element Masyarakat Piaggio Lampung | Gempal | Jl. KH Hasyim Ashari No. 31 Teluk Betung Balam 35222 | Lampung | Arief SH 0852 6912 6243 |
267 | Gabungan Hobby Vespa Tangerang | Ghovest | Jl. Raya Serang Km 35 Jayanti Tangerang 15610 Depan SLTPN 2 Cisoka | Tangerang | Adis 0812 9876 532 |
268 | Lhok C Ma W Peace Scooter Club | LPSC | Jl. Listrik Simpang Besi Tua No. 27 Hagu Teungoh Kota Lhok Seumawe | NAD | M. Fazik 0811 675 626 |
269 | Blangpidie Scooter Klub | Black | Jl. Trieng Gading No. 32 Kuta Tuha Blang Pidie 23764 Kab. Aceh Barat Daya | NAD | Arma 0812 6912 005 |
270 | Tebing Tinggi Vespa Club | T2VC | Jl. Prof Dr Hamka 7c Kota Tebing Tinggi 20621 | Sumatera Utara | Nazly 0812 6307 4674 |
271 | Scooter Independent Medan Club | Jl. Titi Pahlawan Lingk. 5 Rengas Pulau Gg. Abu Bakar 23 Medan Mareland 20255 | Sumatera Utara | Syamsuri 0813 7663 3236 | |
272 | Tebo Scooter Club | TSC | Jl. Lintas Tebo Bungo Km 01 RT 02/RW 02 No. 114 Muara Tebo | Firdaus 0744- 21523 | |
273 | Pidie Scooter Club | PSC | Jl. Perintis No. 12 Blang Paseh Sigli Kab. Pidie | NAD | Wahrizal 0812 6969 682 |
274 | Bogor Scooter Club | BSC | Jl. A. Yani No. 50 Bogor 16161 | Jawa Barat | Khaerul 0856 9549 4777 |
275 | Motor Plus Club | MPC | Jl. Cemara No. 23 Kota Matsum 11 Medan | Sumatera Utara | Moh Sofyan 061- 7753 3030 |
276 | Vespa Rising Club | VRC | Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan/ Jl. Lintas Sumatera No. 157 Simpang Kawat Tj Balai Asahan | Jarodin, SE 0812 629 2003 | |
277 | Comunitas Vespa Independent Langsa | Comvil | Jl. Malahayati No. 10/PAV Depan Rutan Benteng Sigli 24119 | Ridwan 0852 6296 7193 | |
278 | Nayor Scooter Club | NSC | Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 288 Cibadak Sukabumi | Jawa Barat | Jejed 0813 9899 6011, 0266 – 535 900 |