Sunday, January 31, 2010

1979 Honda CB750 - Motorcycle World

"The 750cc Honda," as roadtested and photographed in "Motorcycle World," March 1970, Back Cover. The road test author noted this machine to have engine 1979 Honda CB750E 1000024. Examination of the phototgraph reveals a change of colours, suggesting photograph was taken Autumn, 1969.

Honda CB 100 Tahun 1973 - Retro Classic (Solo)

Motor klasik atau juga bisa disebut Vintage and Classic Motorcyles sekarang ini tengah naik daun. Di samping harganya yang murah juga enak buat di modifikasi karena bisa di bajak dengan komponen mesin generasi HONDA semisal GL 100, GL PRO, TIGER juga bisa mencaplok komponen motor lain semisan SHOCK Depan RX-KING dll.

Dipenghujung tahun 1999 an motor ini cuma di hargai sekitar 500 Ribuan , lalu naik menjadi 800 ribuan , 4 tahun yang lalu masih sekitar 1 jutaan dan ditahun ini harganya melejit lagi sekitar 2,5 juta itpun kondisi 70% orisinil, kalau yang masih orisinil bisa sampai 4 jutaan. Fantastik.... itu semua berkat ulah para modifikator yang menjadikan motor CB ini sebagai BASIS MOTOR MODIFIKASI.

Sebelum mempuyai motor Honda CB 100 Tahun 1973 saya pernah melihara Vespa Super tahun buat 1979 waktu itu saya beli dengan harga Rp.2.100.000 setelah ada kenaikan BBM beberapa kali akhirnya saya jual keteman dengan harga Rp.750.000 waaaaaaa..... sebenarnya masih sayang dengan vespa itu, tapi melihara Vespa butuh dana yang lumayan extra, yap extra karena kantong tipis. Tapi tidak apa-apa karena larinya keteman sendiri sesekali masih bisa lihat bentuknya :))

Kembali lagi tentang Honda CB 100 sekarang ini untuk membeli yang sudah Udzur atau batangan di Kota Solo dan sekitarnya susah, mencari motor tua memang seperti mencari jodoh, susah-susah gampang. Apalagi untuk mencari yang 100% Orisinil hmmm susah sekali.

Boyolali Scooter Club (Vespa Boyolali Indonesia)

Lahirnya Vespa Sprint dalam medio dekade 1960?an sebagai salah satu varian scooter produksi Piaggio, terbilang cukup mencuri perhatian para scooterist di seluruh dunia. Dengan penampilan awal yang hampir menyerupai Vespa Grand Lux, Vespa 150 Sprint hadir seakan ingin melanjutkan semangat kebebasan generasi 1960?an kepada genarasi 1970?an dalam hal berkendaraan scooter tanpa harus kehilangan sentuhan stylish namun tangguh.

Hampir setiap sudut penampilan Vespa 150 Sprint diperbesar dari vespa umumnya keluaran dekade 1960?an (VNA/VNB/VBB/VBC). Memiliki ukuran ban lebih lebar (3.50X10?), box dikedua bagian kiri kanannya serta spakbor yang lebih besar dibandingkan vespa kelas super menjadikan scooter ini tampil lebih unggul dan gagah dibandingkan dengan sekelasnya (150cc).

Hal tersebut dapat dimaklumi mengingat Vespa 150 Sprint seakan ingin menghidupkan kembali nuansa Vespa GL dalam bentuk lain di era 1970?an namun dengan harga yang terjangkau. Bahkan beberapa pendapat mengatakan bahwa vespa serie ini merupakan spec-drop dari Vespa GL.

Didukung oleh strategi pemasaran khas vespa, sepertinya Piaggio cukup berhasil dalam penjualan produksi vespa serie sprint, hal ini mengingat dalam variant tersebut sempat dikeluarkan dua jenis dimana keduanya memiliki perbedaan-perbedaan yang nyata dari segi penampilan maupun ketangguhan mesinnya.

Bedah Modifikasi Honda CB 100 1976

Apa saja teknologinya, mari lihat.

Menggapai teknologi modern, Royo menggabungkan mesin Honda CB 100 dengan milik Suzuki Satria F-150. “Karter milik CB 100 sedang kepala dan blok silinder punya Satria F-150 yang sudah DOHC,” jelas brother beken disapa Royo ini.

Tentunya perlu dudukan atau adaptor khusus untuk menggabungkan karter dan blok silinder. Royo bikin dari bahan duralium 5 mm. Disambung menggunakan las argon untuk bagian dalam. Sedang bagian luar perlu lebih rapi, makanya pakai las babet.

Posisi baut blok juga digeser. Disesuaikan lubang baut di blok F-150. Juga perlu bikin dudukan tensioner yang panjang dan pendek. Menggunakan miling agar pas pasang di karter.

Piston pakai diameter 68 mm. Diambil dari Honda XR400 yang punya pin piston 15 mm. Pas dipasangkan sama setang piston GL-Pro Neo Tech yang sudah dipasang berikut kruk as-nya.

Piston besar memaksa ganti boring lebih besar. Juga stroke atau langkah piston dibikin jadi 62,2 mm. Ini didapat dari menggeser posisi pin kruk as Neo Tech sekitar 6,5 mm. Total langkah bertambah 13 mm.

Kalau dihitung menggunakan rumus volume silinder pasti didapat 225,7 cc. Itu didapat dari diameter silinder yang sudah 68 mm dan stroke 62,2 mm.

Tapi, lantaran stroke bertambah bukan saja pasang adaptor blok silinder dari duralium 5 mm. Tapi, rantai keteng Satria FU perlu ditambah. Disambung lagi 4 mata. Tentu gigi keteng di kruk as juga dibikin seperti punya Satria 4-tak itu.

Setelah kapasitas dapur pacu meningkat, sektor pemindah daya dibenahi. Biar imbang gitu. Seperti rasio satu set pakai Honda Tiger. Otomatis mesin tidak teriak kencang lantaran sudah 6 tingkat kecepatan.

Begitu juga rumah kopling. Cangkok dari Tiger. “Namun kampas kopling dipasang enam lapis. Aplikasi dari Honda Grand,” jelas Royo yang bisa ditanya lebih lanjut lewat telepon rumah di nomor (022) 6673653.

Pengapian masih cangkok dari punya Grand. Seperti satu set magnet, sepul, pulser dan CDI. Tentu dalam pemasangan kudu dibuatkan dudukan baru. Paling penting lagi letak pulser yang dipasang di kruk as. Tidak ditempatkan di tutup magnet, kenapa ya?

Rencana ke depan mau ganti pulser. Menurut Bro yang dulu sempat beken bikin 2 busi ini. Katanya yang bagus cangkok dari punya Binter Joy. Makanya mesin mau dibelah ulang. Minimal sebelah kiri kudu dibongkar.

Sistem pelumasan menuju kepala silinder kudu lancar agar mampu melumasi mekanisme klep. Kalau mempertahankan jalur lama, dipastikan lumayan ribet. Itu karena lubang baut silinder di karter dan blok sudah bergeser. Apalagi sudah tertutup adaptor blok dan kena las babet.

Untuk itu kudu dibuatkan jalur baru. Dari tutup bak kopling kanan dilubangi sebagai dudukan nipel slang. Dari nipel disambung ke pipa karet dan pipa besi menuju kepala silinder. Dari sana baru disemburkan menuju mekanisme klep.

Aliran pelumas di kepala silinder dilanjut menuju karter kembali. Lewat lubang baut blok kiri depan. Setelahnyampe atas karter dibuatkan dua lubang yang disemprotkan menuju rantai keteng dan setang piston bawah. Baru deh setelah itu oli ngumpul di bak.

Edwin dapat barang unik, yakni piston Honda CBR150. Menurut Royo, diameter 67 mm dan pin 15 mm. Otomatis harus bore down lantaran piston makin imut dan boring diganti lebih kecil.

Kini kapasitas silinder malah turun. Asalnya 225,7 cc jadi 219 cc. Turun sekitar 7 cc. Tapinggak masalah lantaran dirasa aman karena kompresi tidak terlalu besar.

Paking bawah blok bawah Satria F-150
Tensioner Satria F-150
Kem Papas bawah 1,5 mm
Klep Satria F-150
Karburator TZM30
Spuyer Main-jet 160/pilot 35

Edwin Lumanau, modifikator Linx Motorcycle Perfomance Shop di Jl. Sumatra, No. 10, Bandung selalu punya terobosan. Honda CB100 tua yang aslinya hanya 2 klep dibikin jadi 4 klep. Menggunakan sistem DOHC (Double Overhead Camshaft) yang didukung dua kem.

Hebatnya lagi kapasitas mesin melonjak tinggi. Asalnya cuma 97 cc kini jadi 225,7 cc. Kalau dibulatkan jadi 226 cc dong. Hebat! Ini katanya hasil kerja sama dengan Suroyo, pebengkel di Jl. Ibu Sangki, No. 64, Cibeber, Cimahi, Jawa Barat.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

1971 BMW R60

General information
Model:BMW R 75/5
Rating:83.4 out of 100. Show full rating and compare with other bikes
Safety:See our safety campaign with the high safety rated bikes in this category.
Engine and transmission
Displacement:745.00 ccm (45.46 cubic inches)
Engine type:Two cylinder boxer
Power:50.00 HP (36.5 kW)) @ 6200 RPM
Bore x stroke:82.0 x 70.6 mm (3.2 x 2.8 inches)
Valves per cylinder:2
Fuel control:OHV
Cooling system:Air
Transmission type
final drive:
Shaft drive (cardan)
Physical measures
Weight incl. oil, gas, etc:227.0 kg (500.4 pounds)
Chassis and dimensions
Front tyre dimensions:3.25-19
Rear tyre dimensions:4.00-18
Front brakes:Expanding brake
Rear brakes:Expanding brake
Speed and acceleration
Top speed:175.0 km/h (108.7 mph)
Other specifications
Fuel capacity:24.00 litres (6.34 gallons)
Further information

1968 BSA Bobber - Modifivations Chopper

Ahh, yes, the old barn story. You know, the one where a bike builder finds a basket case in a barn in the middle of nowhere and wrenches the life back into it. It's nearly a classic tale in the motorcycle industry. At the very least, it's a popular standby for builders trying to conjure up a story behind their build. This '68 BSA was rescued as a rolling chassis from a barn in Akron, Ohio, by owner Gail Williams. Before he salvaged the remains, Gail thought about what he was up against.

Gail grew up around British motorcycles, so they weren't foreign to him (pun intended). He was buddies with three brothers who peddled Brit bikes and parts, and he spent hours on end with them working on the bikes. "I always said one day I would buy one and fabricate a bobber," Gail recalled. That fateful day came in 2003, when one of the brothers parted with a beloved '64 BSA chassis with a '71 motor in the corner of their barn. "Actually, I proudly hauled it back to my barn," Gail said, "and the transition began."

Honda CB 750 K 1979

1978 Honda CB750K7 for Sale

A superb example of Honda's CB750K7. This was the last version of the iconic CB750K.

Our example is a prize winning bike that was restored by Honda Specialists "Rising Sun Restorations" some years age (invoices totaling some £6000 included). The bike has considerable history and is an original UK registered machine (7th October 1978).

The bike has been road tested, re-MOTed and serviced by us. It will also be given a pre-delivery road test and check.

1974 Honda Benly 125 T

The Honda story is the story of one man, Soichiro Honda, and his unparalleled achievement of bringing motor cycles to the masses. Soichiro Honda was a racer, a businessman, and a manufacturer. But most of all he was a dreamer. He dreamed of a better way of making piston rings, founded a small company, and began production. He dreamed of giving people everywhere an economical form of transportation, and began producing small motorcycles, including one built in 1949 called the D-Type Dream.

He also loved racing too. So his company built bigger and faster machines, two, four, five and six-cylinder race bikes and won the Isle of Man.

Honda Motor Company is by far the world's biggest motorcycle maker. Honda's first motorcycle was born out of necessity in immediate post World War II Japan, where public transportation was desperately overcrowded and gasoline severely restricted.

Looking for a solution to his, and thousands of others', personal transport problems, Honda came across a job lot of 500 war surplus two-stroke motors designed to power electric generators; nobody else wanted them so Honda picked them up cheap.

His aim was to adapt them for attachment to push-bikes and, by October 1946, his small factory in Hamamatsu was making complete, makeshift motor bikes using proprietary cycle frames. Because gasoline was in short supply, Honda adapted his motors to run on turpentine, a fuel that he himself distilled from pine trees and sold throughout Japan. Turpentine (or gas thinned out with turpentine) was not the best thing for powering motorbikes, and required a lot of strenuous pedaling to warm the engine up enough before you could get going.

Honda's first bikes were very successful and supplies of the surplus engines ran out after a few months. Business was good by then, so he decided to manufacture his own motors. Using the surplus motor as a model, Honda designed and built his own 50cc engine.

In November 1947, the 1/2 horsepower A-Type Honda was being manufactured and sold as a complete motorbike. Because the motorbike gave off a lot of smoke and a stench of turpentine it was known as the "Chimney".

Soichiro Honda started Honda Motor Company in 1948, at the age of 41. Soon after he hooked up with financial whiz Takeo Fujisawa and together they built an empire.

1948 saw Honda introduce a 90cc version of the A-Type known as the "B-Type".

By 1949 Honda came out with the "D-Type". Mr. Honda was involved in every step of the two-stroke D-Type Dream's design and manufacture. This was Honda's first motorcycle. This was far from simply slotting a motor into a pushbike frame. Honda called his machine 'The Dream', because his dream of building a complete, motorcycle had come true. Soichiro Honda was an engineer and was always looking to produce better and more sophisticated machines.

It turned out to be the 146cc, OHV, four-stroke E-Type Dream. A powerful machine producing 5 1/2bhp capable of 50mph. It had a steel frame and proper suspension front and rear. By October 1951 the new Dream was in production at the rate of 130 units per day.

In 1952 Honda produced the first "Cub" F-Type, a 1/2 horsepower, 50cc, two-stroke engine that was produced in huge numbers. You could get one to fit to your pushbike or buy the complete red and white Honda "Auto Bai". Less than a year after its Introduction, production was 6500 units per month, at that time it was 70% of Japan's powered two-wheeler market.

In 1953 Honda produced the 90cc, four-stroke single, a motorcycle of even greater sophistication. This was known as the Benly, in Japanese this means "convenience". The J-Type Benly had a three-speed gearbox, produced 3.8bhp, a pressed steel Frame, rear suspension with the engine and swinging arm on a sprung pivot, and telescopic front suspension. Before long they were selling at a rate of 1000 units a month.

In 1954 a 200cc scooter, the Juno, was introduced to capture some of the sales from the Vespa scooter copies that were being built in Japan. Honda produced different versions of the Dream and Benly motorcycles over the next few years incorporating different size engines (up to 350cc) and other refinements.

In September 1957 Honda introduced their first twin-cylinder motorcycle, the sophisticated 250cc OHC four-stroke C70 Dream. It was the forerunner of Honda's high-performance 125 and 250cc twins.

In early 1958 Honda fitted an electric starter to the 250cc Dream and named it the C71 and, in 1959, the latest Benly an incredibly sophisticated 125cc OHC four-stroke twin, capable of 70mph was introduced as the C92.

In July 1958 Honda introduced in Japan what became the world's most successful motor cycle, the C100 Super Cub.

The Super Cub was developed over three years to be a cheap and practical motorcycle that literally anyone could use. It used a 50cc four-stroke OHV motor and centrifugal clutch with three-speed transmission. It was so easy to operate that even new riders could ride it as easily as a pushbike. Its innovative frame without a crossbar made it popular with the ladies and set a new trend in commuter motorcycling. The word "scooterette" was coined to describe this step-through style motorbike which sold in 50, 70 and 90cc versions.

In 1959 it was the first Honda motorcycle sold in the U.S., eventually becoming the world's best-selling vehicle (30 million to date). As proof the original concept and design was perfect is the fact that today's C50, C70 and C90s have only detail changes to set them apart from the machines of 25 years ago.

That same year, 1959, Honda introduced the 250cc C72 Dream in Amsterdam. This was the first Japanese bike to be officially shown in Europe. It surprised the crowd with its unusual pressed steel frame, swing arm and front leading link forks, sophisticated OHC all aluminum engine, electric starter and indicators.

In the UK learners had just been restricted to motorcycles of this size and wanted the fastest bikes they could legally ride. The Honda's were the fastest 250s around, and the C72 with its improvements like 12-volt electric's and wet sump lubrication, successor of the C71, was capable of 80mph and could still get 66 miles per gallon.

The CB92 retained the pressed-steel frame and leading link forks while the CB72 received a tubular style frame and telescopic front suspension.

In 1961 two years after Honda started selling Super Cubs, Honda stunned the racing world with "Mike the Bike" Hailwood's twin victories at the Isle of Man. It was the first of an unprecedented string of victories that was only the beginning of Honda's racing tradition.

From the beginning, Mr. Honda dedicated his company to racing, racking up over 100 major motorcycle championships around the world. What was learned from building high-performance racing machines later led to the development of groundbreaking production motorcycles.

The classic CB72 and CB77 helped fuel interest in riding, got America on two wheels, and established Honda as a serious player. The Hawk name has appeared on Honda models CB72, CB77, CB400T, NT650, VTR1000F ever since, the latest being the 1998 VTR1000F.

In 1962 this breakthrough advertising "You meet the nicest people on a Honda" shattered the myth that motorcycles were only for tough guys and rebels. It reached out and made Honda and motorcycling in general, appealing to everyone.

The C77 a 305cc version of the Dream and the CB77, a Super Sports motorcycle producing 28.5bhp were introduced in 1963.

In 1964 the C95 a 154cc version of the Benly and a 161cc version Of the CB160 was also offered.

The Hondells recorded "Little Honda" in 1964. Honda entered the American pop culture as the subject of this hit song.

In 1965 Honda, always eager for a new market, jumped into the big leagues with their first big, fast production motorcycle, the innovative 43bhp CB450 twin. This was a double overhead-camshaft machine with torsion bar valve springs that would do a genuine 104mph, a machine to challenge the 500cc-plus bikes.

Despite its performance, sales of the CB450 worldwide were Poor. A number of engineering changes were made, in 1967 a five-speed gearbox was added.

In 1967 Honda had their first big off-road win in the "first" Baja 1000.

In 1968 Honda stopped production of the CB72 and CB77 and produced a new line of high performance SOHC twins with five-speed gearboxes, called the CB250 and CB350, with the CB350 able to hit 106mph.

At the Tokyo Show of 1968 Honda, after months of tantalizing rumor, unveiled a landmark achievement that would change the motorcycling world forever. A 750cc bike with four cylinders and a disc brake that was so fast and powerful a new word, "superbike", was coined to describe it. The CB750F four was the biggest bike out of Japan, proving that a high-performance motorcycle could also be very reliable.

In April 1969 Honda set the motorcycle world on fire with the introduction of the CB750. Performance was staggering, easily hitting 120mph and at the time it had better acceleration than anything else on the road.

In 1969 the first Honda automobile sold in the U.S., leading Honda to become a preeminent automotive power.

1974 Honda Benly S110 Restoration Project

Ada satu lagi Honda Benly, mesin sama rangka persis sama dengan yg biru, bedanya di bentuk tangki sama cover bodi kanan kiri

Kondisi waktu dapat sih nyala, mesin halus tapi sekarang mati

Surat lengkap hidup, cat ori, belum sempat dibangun

1982 Kawasaki Binter Merzy KZ200

In Indonesia Binter Merzy Have a lot of Clubs you can see in this blog in side bar have information about this, and then in every clubs must have a many modification of bikes ussualy every club have a chooper style, extreem style, Oll Skool style etc. for this post I will share some of pictures binter merzy in modification, and there it is......

you can see picture there is a very classic bike look like and then you can see there is binter merzy kz200 machine block ..

KZ200 rider, Classic Style, Chooper Style, Rountank modification, Kawasaki, Binter Merzy KZ200

Friday, January 29, 2010

2010 KTM 990 Adventure R

With the 990 Adventure R, KTM presents the new spearhead of the Adventure family. Overwhelmingly superior, due to the reworked engine with approximately 20 % increase in power that delivers unrivalled performance. Outstanding, thanks to the amazingly sporty chassis and 265 mm suspension travel. Clearly laid out, with a new cockpit and modified front storage compartment.

2010 KTM 990 Adventure R - Front Side - Duo View

Superior in appearance too – the most sport-oriented travel enduro sets new standards in styling and attractiveness with its typical R colour scheme and radical new design. The 990 Adventure R guarantees an unbeatable total package of pure power and exceptional riding pleasure, defi ning a clear direction: off to the next adventure!

attractiveness, colour scheme, enduro, KTM, KTM 990 Adventure R, spearhead, storage compartment, suspension travel

2010 KTM 990 Adventure

2010 KTM 990 Adventure

2010 KTM 990 Adventure - Front Side View

With even more displacement, an electronic fuel injection, regulated catalytic converter and an ABS System, the KTM 990 Adventure is now elevated to the highest technical level in matters of safety and emission control, which is now regulated to conform to EURO III standards.

KTM 990 Adventure 2010 - Rear Side Action View

The KTM 990 Adventure is fitted with the proven light weighted LC8 engine with an increased displacement of now 999 cc. In addition, new motor management guarantees a powerful and dynamic unfolding of power and significantly improved torque while maintaining the same level of top performance.

2010 KTM 990 Adventure - Rear Side View
KTM 990 Adventure 2010 - Side Action View
2010 KTM 990 Adventure - Side Top Action View KTM 990 Adventure

2010 - Side View 2010 KTM 990 Adventure - Front Side Action View

abs system, catalytic converter, electronic fuel injection, emission control, KTM, KTM 990 Adventure, motor management, top performance

2010 KTM 85SX

The 2010 KTM 85SX has long been the benchmark in its class. The KTM engineers have once again exceeded themselves improving this almost perfect bike even further. Be it power, chassis or quality – the 2010 KTM 85SX is a contender which strikes fear into your opponents.


2010 KTM 65SX

2010 KTM 65SX

2010 KTM 65SX - Front Angle View

A small engine with cutting-edge technology – the 2010 KTM 65SX gives you the confidence to take on larger bikes. Professional performance with superior two-stroke power. A professional chassis with a sturdy steel framework and light steel swingarm. Professional parts Wave brake discs, Marzocchi USD front fork and WP mono shock. This bike, designed for champions, was developed based on experience from over 160 world championship titles and can take whatever you throw at it. A real KTM bike, designed for winning.

2010 KTM 65SX - Left Side View

2010 KTM 65SX - Rear Side Top View

2010 KTM 65SX - Right Side View

2010 KTM 65SX - Trio View

KTM, KTM 65SX, ktm bike, light steel, professional performance, steel framework, stroke power, sturdy steel

2010 KTM 50SX Mini

Only the best power, performance and appearance are good enough for first place: the 2010 KTM 50SX Mini a winner for every ace from the ages of six to nine. The seat height is adjustable from 650 mm upwards, with long suspension travel, disk brakes at the front and rear, a chain guard, as well as the best power output available in this class.

chain guard, disk brakes, KTM, KTM 50SX, KTM 50SX Mini, power performance, suspension travel

2010 KTM 50SX

The 2010 KTM 50SX is the ultimate weapon for budding professional motocross racers. Its cutting-edge two-stroke technology provides unsurpassed power. The bike is easy to control with an automatic clutch for accelerating with ease. With its robust three-shaft engine, which avoids excessive wear on the clutch and water cooling, the 2010 KTM 50SX gives you an important edge over the competition in the heat of battle. Everything is kept under control thanks to the premium quality suspension components with huge amounts of suspension travel and the high-grade disc brakes.

2010 KTM 50SX - Left Side View

automatic clutch, disc brakes, KTM, KTM 50SX, motocross racers, quality suspension, stroke technology, suspension components, suspension travel, unsurpassed power

Thursday, January 28, 2010

1971 Honda CB 350 - Technical Specifications

In 1971 Honda CB 350 created the CB 350, which is a Twin 325.00 ccm (19,73 cubic inches) beautiful motorcycle that we will now get to know better by examining its characteristics in further detail.

Over the next few lines Motorbike Specifications will provide you with a complete list of the available Honda CB 350 technical specifications, such as engine type, horsepower, torque, top speed, compression rates, tyre dimensions and many others, so here it goes:

1971 Honda CB 350 Technical Specifications

* Brand: Honda
* Model: CB 350
* Production Year: 1971
* Category (Type of Bike): Touring
* Engine Size: 325.00 ccm (19,73 cubic inches)
* Engine Type: Twin
* Engine Horsepower: 36.00 HP (26,17 kW)) @ 10500 RPM
* Compression Rates: 9.5:1
* Stroke: 4
* Torque: N/A
* Starter Type: N/A
* Top Speed: 165.0 km/h (101,99 mph)
* Transmission Type: Chain
* Gearbox Type: 5 speed
* Fuel Capacity: 10.00 litres (2,63 gallons)
* Fuel Control: OHC
* Number of Valves: 2
* Cooling System Type: Air
* Weight: N/A
* Length: N/A
* Front Brakes Type: Expanding brake
* Rear Brakes Type: Expanding brake
* Front Tyre Dimensions: 3.00 – 18
* Rear Tyre Dimensions: 3.50 – 18

1971 Honda SL 70 - Technical Specifications

In 1971 Honda created the SL70 and 1971 Honda SL 100, which is a Single cylinder 70.00 ccm (4,25 cubic inches) beautiful motorcycle that we will now get to know better by examining its characteristics in further detail.

Over the next few lines Motorbike Specifications will provide you with a complete list of the available Honda SL70 technical specifications, such as engine type, horsepower, torque, top speed, compression rates, tyre dimensions and many others, so here it goes:

Honda SL70 Technical Specifications

* Brand: Honda
* Model: SL70
* Production Year: 1971
* Category (Type of Bike): Enduro – offroad
* Engine Size: 70.00 ccm (4,25 cubic inches)
* Engine Type: Single cylinder
* Engine Horsepower: N/A
* Compression Rates: N/A
* Stroke: 4
* Torque: N/A
* Starter Type: N/A
* Top Speed: N/A
* Transmission Type: Chain
* Gearbox Type: 4 speed
* Fuel Capacity: N/A
* Fuel Control: OHC
* Number of Valves: 1
* Cooling System Type: Air
* Weight: N/A
* Length: N/A
* Front Brakes Type: N/A
* Rear Brakes Type: N/A
* Front Tyre Dimensions: N/A
* Rear Tyre Dimensions: N/A

Our current motorbike’s database contains full comprehensive information of around 15.000 different motorbikes for near 150 brands; we have data for models since 1970, so it’s basically “you name it, we have it“.

Feel free to browse around our categories and tags, or search for the specific model you’re looking for, we’re quite sure you’ll be able to find in here what you’ve been looking for.


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